Basic English to Japanese Words and Phrases
This page is filled with tons of English to Japanese translations for the most common words, phrases, and questions that you are likely to come across when learning and speaking Japanese.
Because there are so many topics to be covered, we've done our best to split up the topics into sub-categories so you can more easily find the types of translations that you are looking for. There are common words like yes and no and common questions like how are you and what is your phone number, etc.
Scroll down to see what interesting vocabulary you can learn, or use the set of quick links provided below to pick and choose the specific topics that interest you most.
Common Words from English to Japanese:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these common words and phrases from Japanese to English.
Quick links:
Yes and No from English to Japanese
Asking How are you? from English to Japanese
Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu Explained
I and My from English to Japanese
What is your name? from English to Japanese
English to Japanese Apologies
The Question Words from English to Japanese
Thanking People from English to Japanese
Good Luck from English to Japanese
English to Japanese for Do you speak English?
Exchanging Phone Numbers from English to Japanese
Warning of Dangers from English to Japanese
Requesting Help from English to Japanese
English to Japanese for Where is the Bathroom?
Yes and No from English to Japanese
Yes ➔ Hai / はい
Yes (informal) ➔ Ee / ええ
That's right ➔ Sou desu / そうです
No ➔ Iie / いいえ
Asking How are you? from English to Japanese
How are you? ➔ O-genki desu ka? / おげんきですか / お元気ですか
Are you okay? ➔ Daijoubu desuka? / 大丈夫ですか
How's it going? ➔ Choushi wa dou? / 調子はどう (informal)
How have you been? ➔ Saikin dou? / 最近どう (informal)
I'm fine ➔ Genki desu / げんきです / 元気です
I'm okay. ➔ Daijoubu desu. / 大丈夫です
Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu Explained
Let us have a nice relationship ➔ Yoroshiku onegai shimasu / よろしくおねがいします / よろしくお願いします ➔ This phrase has many meanings. When it is said during a first meeting, it means "Let us have a nice relationship", "Please treat me well". It can also be said when asking for a favor, meaning "Please", "Make it so", "I'm leaving it up to you", "Thank you for your consideration".
For a more detailed explanation including a video, please see our Vocabulary: Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu page.
I and My from English to Japanese
I (male or female) ➔ Watashi / わたし / 私
I (female) ➔ Atashi / あたし
I (male) ➔ Boku / ぼく / 僕
I (male) ➔ Ore / おれ / 俺
My ➔ Watashi no (わたしの, 私の) / Atashi no (あたしの) / Boku no (ぼくの, 僕の) / Ore no (おれの, 俺の)
Click here for a more detailed explanation of How to Say I and My in Japanese.
What is your name? from English to Japanese
What is your name? ➔ O-namae wa nan desu ka? / お名前は何ですか
My name is (name) ➔ Watashi no namae wa (name) desu / 私の名前は(name)です
I am (name) ➔ Watashi wa (name) desu / 私は(name)です
English to Japanese Apologies
I'm sorry ➔ Gomen (nasai)* / ごめんなさい
Excuse me / I am sorry / Thank you ➔ Sumimasen / すみません (It's an all purpose word for many occasions.)
The Question Words from English to Japanese
Who ➔ Dare / 誰
Who are you? ➔ Anata wa dare? / あなたは誰
Who is it? ➔ Donata desu ka? / どなたですか
What ➔ Nani / 何
What's this? ➔ Kore wa, nan desu ka?
What's this called (in Japanese)? ➔ Kore wa, (Nihongo de) nan to iimasu ka?
When ➔ Itsu / いつ
When is it? ➔ Sore wa itsu desu ka? / それはいつですか
Where ➔ Doko
Where are you? ➔ Doko ni imasu ka? / どこにいますか
Why? ➔ Doushite? / どうして
Why ➔ Naze / なぜ
Thanking People from English to Japanese
Thanks ➔ Domo / どうも
Thank you ➔ Arigatou (gozaimasu)** / ありがとうございます
Thank you very much ➔ Domo arigatou (gozaimasu)** / どうもありがとうございます
You're welcome ➔ Doitashimashite / どういたしまして / どう致しまして
No, no (Like 'don't mention it') ➔ Ieie / いえいえ
Good Luck from English to Japanese
Good luck / Give it your best (words of encouragement) ➔ Ganbatte kudasai
Good luck ➔ Ganbarou / がんばろう
English to Japanese for Do you speak English?
I don't understand ➔ Wakarimasen / わかりません
Do you speak English? ➔ Eigo o hanasemasuka? / 英語を話せますか
Do you understand English? ➔ Eigo o rikai shite imasu ka? / 英語を理解していますか
Do you know English? ➔ Eigo wa wakarimasu ka? / 英語はわかりますか
I can't speak Japanese (well) ➔ Nihongo (yoku) hanasemasen
I don't speak (much) Japanese ➔ Nihongo wa (amari) hanase masen
Exchanging Phone Numbers from English to Japanese
What is your phone number? ➔ Denwa bango wa nan ban desu ka?
What is your cell phone number? ➔ Keitai denwa bangou wo oshiete moraemasenka? / 携帯電話番号を教えてもらえませんか
My number is (number) ➔ Denwa bango wa (number) desu
Warning of Dangers from English to Japanese
Look out / Dangerous ➔ Abunai / あぶない
Be careful ➔ Ki o tsukete / きをつけて
Requesting Help from English to Japanese
Help! ➔ Tasukete! / 助けて
Help me! ➔ Watashi o tasukete! / 私を助けて!
Please help ➔ Tasukete kudasai / たすけてください / 助けてください
Excuse me, can you help me please? ➔ Sumimasen ga, tasukete itadakemasen ka?
English to Japanese for Where is the Bathroom?
Where is the bathroom? ➔ Toire wa doko desu ka / トイレはどこですか
* - nasai added for politeness.
** - gozaimasu added for politeness.
*English to Japanese common words and phrases last updated: January 27, 2025.
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Japanese Numbers: Learn how to say numbers in Japanese.
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