English to Finnish Common Words and Phrases
Common words and phrases are the most used words in conversation. This page will teach you several basic words and phrases (all presented from English to Finnish) to help you better understand and speak Finnish. These translations include such important words as yes and no, please and thank you, question words, etc.
Scroll below to learn all of these important keywords and more in Finnish or jump ahead to the section of your choosing by using the list of quick links provided below.
Basic Vocabulary from English to Finnish:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words from Finnish to English.
Quick Links:
Yes, No, and Maybe from English to Finnish
English to Finnish for Please and Thank You
Do You Speak English? in Finnish
English to Finnish for How Are You?
Exchanging Names from English to Finnish
Saying Sorry from English to Finnish
English to Finnish Question Words
Asking for Help from English to Finnish
Yes, No, and Maybe from English to Finnish
Yes ➔ Kyllä
No ➔ Ei
Maybe ➔ Ehkä
English to Finnish for Please and Thank You
Please ➔ Ole hyvä
Thank you ➔ Kiitos
Do You Speak English? in Finnish
Do you speak English? ➔ Puhutko englantia?
English to Finnish for How Are You?
How are you? ➔ Mitä kuuluu? (lit. what is being heard?)
How are you feeling? ➔ Kuinka voit?
How's it going? ➔ Miten menee?
Fine, thanks. ➔ Hyvää, kiitos.
Not so good. ➔ Ei niin hyvää.
Exchanging Names from English to Finnish
What's your name? ➔ Mikä on nimesi?
What's your name? ➔ Mikä sinun nimesi on?
My name is (name). ➔ Minun nimeni on (name).
Saying Sorry from English to Finnish
I'm sorry. ➔ Olen pahoillani.
Sorry ➔ Anteeksi
English to Finnish Question Words
Who ➔ Kuka
What ➔ Mitä
When ➔ Milloin
Where ➔ Missä
Why ➔ Miksi
How ➔ Miten
Asking for Help from English to Finnish
Help! ➔ Apua!
I need the police. ➔ Tarvitsen poliisin.
I'm lost. ➔ Olen eksynyt.
Can you help me? ➔ Voitko auttaa minua?
*English to Finnish common words and phrases first posted: March 2, 2025.
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Greetings in Finnish: Learn how to say greetings and goodbyes in Finnish.
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