English to Romanian Common Words and Phrases
It's important to learn a language's most common words, because they are the ones you are most likely to encounter in conversation. So, if you are looking for a place to learn the more basic words and phrases in the Romanian language (like yes and no, please and thank you, question words, etc.), then this is the page for you.
By scrolling below, you will find the English to Romanian translations for many common words and phrases divided into four categories. These categories have been listed below and can be used to jump directly to the translations of your choice, or you can simply scroll down throughout the page to read all the translations.
Common Phrases from English to Romanian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words from Romanian to English.
Quick links:
Yes and No from English to Romanian
English to Romanian Please and Thank You
Question Words from English to Romanian
Other Useful Phrases from English to Romanian
Yes and No from English to Romanian
Yes ➔ Da
No ➔ Nu
English to Romanian Please and Thank You
Please ➔ Te rog
Thank you ➔ Mulţumesc
You're welcome ➔ Eşti binevenit
Question Words from English to Romanian
Who ➔ Cine
What ➔ Ce
When ➔ Când
Where ➔ Unde
Why ➔ De ce
How ➔ Cum
How much? ➔ Cât?
How many? ➔ Câți?
Other Useful Phrases from English to Romanian
How are you? ➔ Ce mai faci
I'm fine ➔ Bine
What's your name? ➔ Cum te cheamă?
What's your name? ➔ Cum te numești?
My name is (name). ➔ Numele neu este (name).
Do you speak English? ➔ Vorbești engleză?
I don't know. ➔ Nu știu.
I don't understand. ➔ Nu înțeleg.
What did you say? ➔ Ce ai spus?
Repeat, please. ➔ Repetă, te rog.
I'm sorry. ➔ Îmi pare rău.
*English to Romanian common words and phrases last updated: February 24, 2025.
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Romanian Color Words: Learn how to say color words in Romanian.
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