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Romanian Portal
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Romanian Portal
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Common Romanian Phrases and Words

This page is a great place to start when learning to speak Romanian because it features many common words and phrases that you will come across when speaking to native-Romanian speakers.

By scrolling down you will find translations to words like yes, no, please, thank you, and your welcome, plus a number of other useful phrases - all translated from Romanian to English.

Common Words and Phrases in Romanian:

Here is our list of common words and phrases in Romanian. You can also view this list with translations from English to Romanian.

(Words in bold added during the last update.)

Yes and No in Romanian

Da ➔ Yes

Nu ➔ No

Please, Thank You, and You're Welcome in Romanian

Te rog ➔ Please

Mulţumesc ➔ Thank you

Eşti binevenit ➔ You're welcome

Other Useful Phrases in Romanian

Ce mai faci ➔ How are you?

Bine ➔ I'm fine

Cum te cheamă? ➔ What's your name?

Numele neu este... ➔ My name is...

Îmi pare rău. ➔ I'm sorry.

*Common words and phrases last updated: November 14, 2024.

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Color Words: Learn how to say color words in Romanian.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Romanian myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding.

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