Common Italian Words and Phrases
Having a basic understanding of the most common Italian words and phrases will be essential when trying to communicate in Italian. This page will show you some very useful words and phrases in a variety of topics to help you quickly learn some of the most important Italian vocabulary.
The topics covered below include yes and no, please and thank you, asking how are you, exchanging names, asking do you speak English, question words, asking for help, and saying sorry. When available, information also includes if a word is formal or informal.
To read through these Italian to English translations, feel free to scroll down throughout the page or jump to the specific topic you'd like to study by using the quick links below.
Basic Words and Phrases in Italian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words from English to Italian.
Quick Links:
Italian Words for Yes and No
Please and Thank You in Italian
Italian Phrases for Asking, How Are You?
Exchanging Names in Italian
Asking Do You Speak English? in Italian
Italian Question Words
Asking for Help in Italian
Italian Apologies
Italian Words for Yes and No
Sì ➔ Yes
No ➔ No
Please and Thank You in Italian
Per favore ➔ Please
Grazie ➔ Thank you
Grazie tutti. ➔ Thanks, everyone.
La ringrazio. ➔ Thank you. (more polite, when showing respect to elders or strangers)
La ringrazio per l'aiuto. ➔ Thank you for your help.
Prego ➔ You're welcome (typical answer to grazie)
Italian Phrases for Asking, How Are You?
Come sta? ➔ How are you? (formal)
Come stai? ➔ How are you? (informal)
Come va? ➔ How are you doing?
Bene, grazie. ➔ Fine, thank you.
Exchanging Names in Italian
Come ti chiami? ➔ What is your name?
Mi chiamo (name). ➔ My name is (name).
Asking Do You Speak English? in Italian
Parli inglese? ➔ Do you speak English?
Parla lentamente. ➔ Speak slowly.
Scusi, non parlo bene l'italiano. Sto ancora imparando. ➔ Sorry, I don't speak Italian very well. I'm still learning.
Italian Question Words
Chi ➔ Who
Cosa ➔ What
Quando ➔ When
Dove ➔ Where
Perché ➔ Why
Come ➔ How
Asking for Help in Italian
Aiuto! ➔ Help!
Puoi aiutarmi? ➔ Can you help me?
Mi sono perso. ➔ I'm lost.
Italian Apologies
Scusa ➔ Sorry (informal)
Scusi ➔ Sorry (formal)
This list of common Italian words and phrases was last updated on March 19, 2025.
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Random Italian Words and Phrases: Learn how to say random words and phrases in Italian.
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