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Dutch Portal
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Dutch Portal
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Basic Dutch Words and Phrases

Common words and phrases are the bread and butter of any language. So, if you're hoping to learn some common Dutch words and phrases, then this is the page for you!

By looking below, you'll find 22 essential translations to help you communicate in Dutch. Includes phrases like yes and no, please and thank you, what's your name?, and can you help me? To learn these phrases and more, scroll down.

Common Dutch Words and Phrases:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of basic words from English to Dutch.

Saying Yes and No in Dutch

Words like yes, no, and maybe are super important in any language.

Ja ➔ Yes

Nee ➔ No

Misschien ➔ Maybe

Saying "Please", "Thank You", and "You're Welcome" in Dutch

If you need or receive a favor, then you'll need to know how to say please and thank you in Dutch.

Alstublieft ➔ Please / Here you go

Bedankt ➔ Thank you

Dank je wel ➔ Thank you very much

Graag gedaan ➔ You are welcome

Requesting a Person's Name in Dutch

Name introductions in Dutch will be very important during first meetings.

Hoe heet je? ➔ What's your name?

Ik heet (naam) ➔ My name is (name)

Ik reis samen met (name). ➔ I'm traveling with (name).

Dat is mijn vader ➔ That's my father

Other Useful Dutch Phrases

There are so many useful phrases in Dutch, here are several more you might want to learn.

Hoe voel je je? ➔ How do you feel?

Ben zo terug ➔ Be right back

Hoe laat is het? ➔ What's the time?

Ik ben Nederlands ➔ I am Dutch

Ik hou van jou ➔ I love you

Kun je me helpen? ➔ Can you help me?

Spreek je engels? ➔ Do you speak English?

Ik spreek geen Nederlands. ➔ I don't speak any Dutch.

Waar is het vliegveld? ➔ Where is the airport?

Waar vertrekt de trein? ➔ Where does the train leave?

Wanneer kom je naar Nederland? ➔ When do you come to The Netherlands?

*Basic Dutch words list last updated: March 18, 2018.

Next Up

Dutch Numbers: Learn how to say numbers in Dutch.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Dutch myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Dutch language learning journey!

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