Basic Swedish Words and Phrases
Are you looking for some basic Swedish vocabulary? Well, this page is for you. By scrolling below you will find a bunch of useful translations from Swedish to English that are likely to come up often in conversations.
Below you will find translations for yes and no, please and thank you, exchanging names, asking where people are from, and some other useful words. If you find these translations helpful, then feel free to check back again in the future because we try to add new translations when we are able.
Common Words and Phrases in Swedish:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words from English to Swedish.
Saying Yes and No in Swedish
Ja ➔ Yes
Nej ➔ No
Swedish Words for Please and Thank You
Snälla du ➔ Please
Tack ➔ Thanks
Exchanging Names in Swedish
Vad heter du? ➔ What is your name?
Jag heter (name). ➔ My name is (name).
Asking Where People are From in Swedish
Var kommer du ifrån? ➔ Where are you from?
Yag ar Svensk. ➔ I am Swedish.
Other Useful Words and Phrases in Swedish
Hjälp ➔ Help
Talar du engelska? ➔ Do you speak English?
*Common Swedish words and phrases last updated: February 23, 2025.
Next Up
Swedish Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Swedish.
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