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Afrikaans Portal
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Basic Afrikaans Words and Phrases

Looking for some basic Afrikaans words and phrases like yes, no, and maybe? What about please, thank you, and you're welcome? Well, for all these translations and more, this is the page for you!

This page contains 25 essential translations to help you communicate in Afrikaans. Includes many introductory phrases such as how are you and I'm fine, plus several other useful translations that will have you speaking Afrikaans in no time.

Common Words and Phrases in Afrikaans:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words and phrases from English to Afrikaans.

Afrikaans Words for Yes and No

Ja ➔ Yes

Nee ➔ No

Miskien ➔ Maybe

Please and Thank you in Afrikaans

Asseblief ➔ Please

Dankie. ➔ Thank you.

Baie dankie. ➔ Thank you very much.

Jy is welkom. ➔ You're welcome.

Jy is baie welkom. ➔ You're very welcome.

How Are You? in Afrikaans

Hoe gaan dit? ➔ How are you?

Ek gaan goed. ➔ I'm fine.

Ek is oke. ➔ I'm okay.

Goed, en met jou? ➔ Fine, and you?

Asking What is Your Name? in Afrikaans

Wat is jou naam? ➔ What is your name?

My naam is (name). ➔ My name is (name).

Haar naam is (name). ➔ Her name is (name).

Asking Do You Speak English? in Afrikaans

Ek verstaan jou nie. ➔ I don't understand you.

Kan jy langsaam praat? ➔ Can you speak slowly?

Praat jy Engels? ➔ Do you speak English?

Kan jy afrikaans praat? ➔ Can you speak Afrikaans?

My Afrikaans is sleg. ➔ My Afrikaans is bad.

Other Useful Afrikaans Vocabulary

Ek kom uit... ➔ I come from...

Ek weet nie. ➔ I don't know.

Hoe laat is dit? ➔ What is the time?

Hoe oud is jy? ➔ How old are you?

Waar is die badkamer? ➔ Where is the bathroom?

*Basic Afrikaans words list last updated: March 14, 2018.

Next Up

Numbers in Afrikaans: Learn Afrikaans numbers with our Afrikaans to English numbers list.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Afrikaans myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Afrikaans language learning journey!

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