Random Afrikaans Words and Phrases
If we don't yet have a full category's worth of words for a new Afrikaans word list, then the translations go on this page. That's why the words here are all so random!
Due to the nature of this page, it can seem pretty random, but have a gander down below and see what weird and wonderful new translations you'll learn today. Like what you see? Consider checking back later as we try to add new translations as we are able!
Random Words and Phrases in Afrikaans
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words and phrases from English to Afrikaans.
Random Afrikaans Words
Af ➔ Down
Aggressiewe ➔ Aggressive
Aanmoedig ➔ Cheer
Been ➔ Leg
Boot ➔ Boat
Gelukkig ➔ Happy
Gryp ➔ Grab
Huis ➔ House
Jaar ➔ Year
Klein ➔ Small
Kragopwekker ➔ Generator
Kyk ➔ Look
Lag ➔ Laugh
Lekker ➔ Nice, cool (describing goodness, not temperature)
Lemoenesap ➔ Orange juice
Luister ➔ Listen
Moeilik ➔ Difficult
Nag ➔ Night
Noord ➔ North
Onderwyser ➔ Teacher
Polisie-man ➔ Police officer
Soort ➔ Kind
Spook ➔ Ghost
Stadig ➔ Slow
Suid ➔ South
Vinger ➔ Finger
Vinnig ➔ Fast
Voet ➔ Foot
Vreemd ➔ Strange
Random Afrikaans Phrases
Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag my liewe sussie. ➔ Happy birthday to you my dear sister.
Dit is 'n mooi dag, vandag. ➔ It's a lovely day today.
Ek is gelukkig. ➔ I am happy.
Ek is nie vralik nie. ➔ I am not joyful. (as in jolly)
Gelukkige verjaarsdag ➔ Happy birthday
Geseënde Kersfees ➔ Merry Christmas
Jy is 'n aap. ➔ You are a monkey.
*Random Afrikaans words list last updated: January 7, 2025.
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Afrikaans Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Afrikaans.
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