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Filipino Portal
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Filipino Portal
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Random Filipino Words and Phrases

If you are looking for a place to build on your basic Filipino vocabulary - especially when it comes to learning random Filipino words and phrases, this is a great place to start. Trust me, some of the things sent in are very random - but that's what makes them so much fun!

Now go ahead, learn the meaning to random Filipino words and phrases like "I have a headache" and "You are a good person" now with our random Filipino to English dictionary! Scroll down for our full list of random Filipino translations or use the quick links below to skip to either the words or sentences list.

Random Words and Phrases in Filipino:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these random words and phrases from English to Filipino.

Random Filipino Words

Boses ➔ Voice (like to voice your opinion)

Dati ➔ Before

Diksyunaryo ➔ Dictionary

Dyeneretor ➔ Generator

Gastos ➔ Cost

Hindi kailanman ➔ Never

Ito ➔ This

Kaluluwa ➔ Espirit

Kasama ➔ With

Labanos ➔ Radish

Labasan ➔ Exit

Lahat ➔ Everything

Lalaki ➔ Male

Lamang ➔ Only

Libre ➔ Free

Pag-uusap ➔ Conversation

Pagal ➔ Pain

Pagbabasa ➔ Reading

Paggamot ➔ Treatment

Pagkakapagbili ➔ Sale

Pagkatapos ➔ After

Pagpipinta ➔ Painting

Papago ➔ Papaya

Papel ➔ Paper

Peklat ➔ Scar

Perpekto ➔ Perfect

Pinakamahusay ➔ Best

Presyo ➔ Price

Puno ➔ Full

Putik ➔ Mud

Madali ➔ Easy (like quick/ simple)

Magsalita ➔ Speak

Mahusay ➔ Great

Mangangalakal ➔ Merchant

Matapang ➔ Bold (Like brave)

Tagapagmana ➔ Heir

Talata ➔ Paragraph

Tama ➔ Correct (like right)

Tindahan ➔ Shop (like a store)

Titik ➔ Letter (like a letter in the alphabet)

Tula ➔ Poetry

Yung ➔ That

Random Filipino Sentences

Ang sakit ng ulo ko. ➔ I have a headache.

Ano ang ginagawa mo? ➔ What are you doing?

Ito ay kung ano ito. ➔ It is what it is.

Mabait kang tao. ➔ You are a good person.

Malandi and kaibigan mo. ➔ Your friend is a flirt.

Maliit na generator ng gas ➔ Small gas generator

*Filipino random words and phrases last updated: March 3, 2025.

Next Up

Filipino Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say greetings and goodbyes in Filipino.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Filipino myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Filipino language learning journey!

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