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Serbian Portal
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Serbian Portal
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Random Serbian Words and Phrases

Lists of random words and phrases can be great for learning new Serbian words because they contain the kinds of translations that aren't often found in textbooks. You'll find various words like car and hovercraft, and random phrases like I have a headache, What's the weather like? and The early bird catches two worms. (I rather like that the saying here is two worms, instead of one!)

Anyway, scroll down to learn these Serbian words and phrases, plus others in our Serbian to English learning dictionary. If you like what you see, be sure to check back at a later date because we try to add new translations whenever we're able.

Random Words and Phrases in Serbian:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words from English to Serbian.

Random Serbian Words

Automobil ➔ Car

Hoverkraft ➔ Hovercraft

Ogrlica ➔ Necklace

Olovka ➔ Pencil

Sunce ➔ Sun

Zemlja ➔ Earth

Zvezda ➔ Star

Random Serbian Phrases

Boli me glava. ➔ I have a headache.

Boli me uvo. ➔ I don't care. (lit. my ear hurts)

Kakvo je vreme? ➔ What's the weather like?

Ko rano rani, dve sreće grabi. ➔ The early bird catches two worms.

Koliko je sati? ➔ What's the time?

Mogu li dobiti popust? ➔ Can I get a discount?

Srećan rođendan! ➔ Happy birthday!

*Serbian random words and phrases last updated: February 18, 2025.

Next Up

Serbian Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Serbian.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Serbian myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Serbian language learning journey!

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