Random Gaelic Words and Phrases
If you are looking to add some new words to your Gaelic vocabulary, then a page of random words and phrases can definitely help you learn some translations you might not otherwise come across.
While the list is currently quite small, we do try to add new words and phrases as we are able, so feel free to stop back in later too for more learning opportunities.
Gaelic Random Words and Phrases:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words from English to Gaelic.
Random Gaelic Words
Caraid ➔ Friend
Cù ➔ Dog
Daor ➔ Expensive
Geamhradh ➔ Winter
Nighean ➔ Girl
Saor ➔ Cheap
Random Gaelic Phrases
Tha mi a' dol dhan bhùth. ➔ I'm going to the shop.
*Gaelic random words and phrases last updated: November 26, 2024.
Next Up
Gaelic Insults and Swear Words: Learn how to say insulting words and swears in Gaelic.
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