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Polish Portal
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Polish Portal
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Random Polish Words and Phrases

This page is for all the random Polish words and phrases that don't fit into our other categories. First you'll find the list of random words (like boy, road, chair, generator, etc.), then next up you'll find some random Polish sentences (like english is difficult) so you can see some of the random words in action.

If certain themes start appearing on the page, then the words may be pulled out and given their own category page. Until then, scroll down or use the quick links below to learn a bunch of random vocabulary! It's so random, who knows what you'll find!

Random Words and Phrases in Polish:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words from English to Polish.

Random Polish Words

Here is a list of 73 random words in Polish from A-Z. How many words do you already know?

Akt urodzenia ➔ Birth certificate

Audio ➔ Audio

Bezpłatny ➔ Free

Cena ➔ Price

Chłopak ➔ Boy

Deszcz ➔ Rain

Detektyw ➔ Detective

Dłoń ➔ Hand

Dobra ➔ Good

Dokładny ➔ Accurate

Dokument ➔ Document

Droga ➔ Road

Duży ➔ Big

Dwujęzyczny ➔ Bilingual

Dziewięćsetdziewięćdziesięciodziewięcionarodowościowego ➔ Of nine-hundred-ninety-nine nationalities

Dźwięk ➔ Sound

Fonetyczny ➔ Phonetic

Głos ➔ Voice

Kalkulator ➔ Calculator

Kamera ➔ Camera

Klasa ➔ Class / Classroom

Kobieta ➔ Woman

Koc ➔ Blanket

Komputer ➔ Computer

Kontekst ➔ Context

Koszula ➔ Shirt

Krótki ➔ Short

Krzesło ➔ Chair

Książka ➔ Book

Kuchnia ➔ Kitchen

Kwalifikacje ➔ Qualification

Łatwy ➔ Easy

Łazienka ➔ Bathroom

Lekarz ➔ Doctor

Lewo ➔ Left

Lotnisko ➔ Airport

Mały ➔ Small

Medyczny ➔ Medical

Mężczyzna ➔ Man

Mikrofon ➔ Microphone

Nauczycielka ➔ Teacher

Ołówek ➔ Pencil

Pieniądze ➔ Money

Pismo ➔ Writing

Piwo ➔ Beer

Poduszka ➔ Pillow

Policjant ➔ Police officer

Prądnica ➔ Generator

Prawo ➔ Right

Przetwornik ➔ Converter (like transducer)

Ręka ➔ Arm

Roślina doniczkowa ➔ Houseplant

Samochód ➔ Car

Słownik ➔ Dictionary

Słowny ➔ Verbal

Słuchać ➔ Listen

Śnieg ➔ Snow

Strona internetowa ➔ Website

Świetnie ➔ Great

Święto ➔ Holiday / Festival

Szczegóły zamówienia ➔ Order details

Taksówka ➔ Taxi

Tekst ➔ Text

Telewizor ➔ Television

Tłumacz ➔ Translator

Tłumaczenie ➔ Translation

Tłumaczyć ➔ Translate

Ulica ➔ Street

Usta ➔ Mouth

Wizualny ➔ Visual

Woda ➔ Water

Wodnik ➔ Aquarius

Zdjęcie ➔ Photo

Random Polish Sentences

Here are a few sentences to help you see some Polish words in action.

Angielski jest trudny. ➔ English is difficult.

Co oznacza dziewięćsetdziewięćdziesięciodziewięcionarodowościowego? ➔ What does of nine hundred and ninety-nine nationality mean?

Mam kota. ➔ I have a cat.

To moja córka. ➔ This is my daughter.

To nie działa prawidłowo. ➔ It does not work properly.

** This list of random Polish words and phrases was last updated on March 5, 2025. If you found something useful, consider bookmarking the page and checking back later. We try to add new translations whenever we're able. **

Next Up

Polish Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Polish.

Perhaps you want to learn random words and phrases in these other languages?

Afrikaans, Burmese, Dutch, Filipino, French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Malay, Mandarin, Maori, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Urdu.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Polish myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Polish language learning journey!

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