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Portuguese Portal
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Random Brazilian Portuguese Words and Phrases

Don't you just love being random sometimes? Well, if you do and you are also looking to grow your Brazilian Portuguese language vocabulary, then learning a bunch of random words and phrases might be right up your alley.

Below you find two categories, one for random Brazilian Portuguese words and the other for random Brazilian Portuguese phrases. Just so you know, each entry on this page has been translated from Brazilian Portuguese to English. That said, feel free to scroll down and see what random words you can learn today!

Random Words and Phrases in Brazilian Portuguese:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words from English to Brazilian Portuguese.

Random Brazilian Portuguese Words

A random selection of Brazilian Portuguese words and phrases. How many words do you already know?

Árvore ➔ Tree

Beisebol ➔ Baseball

Bora! ➔ Let's go!

Cama ➔ Bed

Camisa ➔ Shirt

Coração ➔ Heart (as in the organ)

Dedo ➔ Finger

Dinheiro ➔ Money

Errado ➔ Wrong

Estrela ➔ Star

Flauta ➔ Flute

Flor ➔ Flower

Futebol ➔ Soccer

Gelo ➔ Ice

Nada ➔ Nothing

Ônibus ➔ Bus

Pequeno ➔ Small

Polícia ➔ Police

Restaurante ➔ Restaurant

Rir ➔ Laugh

Sofá ➔ Couch

Sol ➔ Sun

Televisão ➔ Television

Terra ➔ Earth

Tesoura ➔ Scissors

Random Brazilian Portuguese Phrases

And here are some random phrases in Brazilian Portuguese so you can see some of the words in action.

Onde está a tesoura? ➔ Where are the scissors?

Eu gosto... ➔ I like...

Eu não gosto... ➔ I don't like...

Eu não posso falar. ➔ I can't speak.

Inglês é difícil. ➔ English is hard.

Onde eu moro? ➔ Where do I live?

Que fazes? ➔ What are you doing?

This list of random Brazilian Portuguese words and phrases was last updated on March 22, 2025.

Next Up

Romantic Brazilian Portuguese Words and Phrases: Learn how to say romantic words and phrases in Brazilian Portuguese.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Portuguese myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Portuguese language learning journey!

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