Random Latin Words and Phrases
This page contains a list of random Latin words and phrases. The list can be quite random, so you'll never know just what random new words or phrases you'll be adding to your Latin vocabulary.
Anyway, this page is divided into two lists of translations - the first is the list of random words, followed by a second list of random phrases. Scroll down to see all the translations.
Random Words and Phrases in Latin:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words and phrases from English to Latin.
Random Latin Words
Draco ➔ Dragon
Fidelis ➔ Faithful
Ignis ➔ Fire
Luna ➔ Moon
Miraculum ➔ Miracle
Mulus ➔ Mule
Scholae ➔ School
Random Latin Phrases
Addo of nex ➔ Bringer of death
Carpe diem ➔ Seize the day
Draco dormiens nunquam titilandus ➔ Never tickle a sleeping dragon
Medium nox noctis lamia ➔ Midnight vampire
Per aspera ad astra ➔ From spikes to stars
Permissum victus intereo ➔ Let the living die
Servatis a maleficum, servatis a periculum ➔ Save me from the evil, save me from the danger
*List of random Latin words last updated: March 7, 2018.
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Romantic Latin Words and Phrases: Learn how to say romantic words and phrases in Latin.
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