Basic Lithuanian Words and Phrases
This page can help you learn some basic Lithuanian keywords and common phrases. While the list is rather small for now, we are working at making it more comprehensive for the future.
By reading below you'll find various useful translations like can you help me and excuse me to help get you speaking Lithuanian in no time. Below the list of useful phrases you will find a list of all the question words translated from Lithuanian to English.
Common Words and Phrases in Lithuanian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words from English to Lithuanian.
Useful Lithuanian Key Phrases
Ar galite man padėti? ➔ Can you help me?
Ar tu kalbi angliškai? ➔ Do you speak English?
Atsiprašau ➔ Excuse me
Mano vardas yra... ➔ My name is...
Nuoširdžiai dėkoju. ➔ Sincerely thanks.
Taip, prašau. ➔ Yes, please.
Lithuanian Question Words
Kas ➔ Who
Ką ➔ What
Kada ➔ When
Kur ➔ Where
Kodėl ➔ Why
Kaip ➔ How
*Common Lithuanian words and phrases last updated: January 30, 2025.
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Lithuanian Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say greetings and goodbyes in Lithuanian.
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