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Malay Portal
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Malay Portal
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Basic Malay Words and Phrases

If you are looking to learn some basic words and phrases in Malay, this is the page for you. Below you will find a variety of commly used words, all translated from Malay to English.

The five categories you will find below include translations for yes, no, and maybe, please and thank you, the question words in malay, how are you?, and what is your name? Scroll down to discover all the new words and phrases you can learn today!

Common Words and Phrases in Malay:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words from English to Malay.

Saying Yes, No, and Maybe in Malay

Ya ➔ Yes (formal)

Tidak ➔ No (formal)

Tak ➔ No (informal)

Mungkin ➔ Maybe

Saying Please and Thank You in Malay

Silakan ➔ Please

Terima kasih. ➔ Thank you.

The Question Words in Malay

Siapa ➔ Who

Apa ➔ What

Bila ➔ When

Di mana ➔ Where

Mengapa ➔ Why

Bagaimana ➔ How

Asking How Are You? in Malay

Apa khabar? ➔ How are you?

Khabar baik. ➔ I'm fine.

Awak pula? ➔ And you?

Asking What is Your Name? in Malay

Siapa nama awak? ➔ What is your name?

Nama saya ialah (name). ➔ My name is (name).

*Common Malay words and phrases last updated: February 1, 2025.

Next Up

Malay Family and People Words: Learn how to say family and people words in Malay.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Malay myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Malay language learning journey!

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