Romantic Romanian Phrases and Love Words
This page will teach you to say romantic words and phrases in Romanian. By scrolling below you will find the Romanian to English translations for simple phrases like I love you and I adore you, but also more involved phrases like I love you with all my heart and You are like the moon for me.
To learn the translations for these phrases and more, please scroll below and if you have found this page helpful, feel free to return again in the future as we try to add new words and phrases as we are able to.
Romantic Words and Phrases in Romanian:
Here is our list of romantic words and phrases in Romanian. You can also view these words with translations from English to Romanian.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
Ai iubit? ➔ Do you have a boyfriend?
Ai iubită? ➔ Do you have a girlfriend?
Ești ca luna pentru mine. ➔ You are like the moon for me.
Ești frumoasă. ➔ You are beautiful.
Îmi este dor de tine. ➔ I missed you.
Îmi placi. ➔ I like you.
Mi-ai furat inima. ➔ You stole my heart.
Te ador. ➔ I adore you.
Te iubesc. ➔ I love you.
Te iubesc cu toata inima. ➔ I love you with all my heart.
*Romantic words and phrases last updated: November 15, 2024.
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Common Words and Phrases: Learn how to say common words and phrases in Romanian.
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