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Romanian Portal
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Romanian Portal
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English to Romanian Love Words and Phrases

If you are looking to grow your Romanian language skills, especially when it comes to the more romantic side of the language, then this is the page for you. After reading through this page, it might feel like love is in the air! So go ahead and be romantic.

As for what you'll learn on this page... well, you will find a variety of romantic phrases in Romanian (all presented from English to Romanian in case that is your preferred way of learning) including phrases like, Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, I adore you, I love you with all my heart, etc. To view the full list of romantic translations, simply scroll down and see what you can find.

Romantic Words from English to Romanian:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these romantic words from Romanian to English.

Are you married? ➔ Ești căsătorit?

Beautiful ➔ Frumoasă

Do you have a boyfriend? ➔ Ai iubit?

Do you have a girlfriend? ➔ Ai iubită?

Do you love me? ➔ Mă iubești?

I adore you. ➔ Te ador.

I like you. ➔ Îmi place de tine.

I like you. ➔ Îmi placi.

I love you. ➔ Te iubesc.

I love you with all my heart. ➔ Te iubesc cu toata inima.

I missed you. ➔ Îmi este dor de tine.

You are beautiful. ➔ Ești frumoasă.

You are like the moon for me. ➔ Ești ca luna pentru mine.

You stole my heart. ➔ Mi-ai furat inima.

*English to Romanian romantic words last updated: February 14, 2025.

Next Up

Common Romanian Words and Phrases: Learn how to say common words and phrases in Romanian.

Perhaps you want to learn romantic words and phrases in these other languages?

Greek, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Mandarin, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, and Urdu.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Romanian myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Romanian language learning journey!

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