English to Greek Romantic Phrases and Love Words
This page is a good place to start if you're looking to learn some romantic words and phrases in Greek.
Below you will find a series of English to Greek translations, split into two categories. First you will find the romantic words, then below that, you will find the romantic phrases.
Romantic Words and Phrases from English to Greek:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these romantic words from Greek to English.
English to Greek Romantic Words
Boyfriend ➔ Agori
Cute ➔ Haritomenos
Girlfriend ➔ Kopela
Handsome ➔ Omorfos
Love ➔ Agapo
English to Greek Romantic Phrases
He is very handsome. ➔ Ine poli omorfos.
I adore you. ➔ Se latrevo.
I love you ➔ S'agapo
I love you very much. ➔ Se agapo poli.
Will you be my Valentine? ➔ Thes na yinis o Valentinos mu?
Will you marry me? ➔ Thelis na me pandreftis?
You are so beautiful. ➔ Ise toso omorfos.
You are so cute. ➔ Ise toso haritomenos.
*English to Greek romantic words and phrases last updated: November 24, 2024.
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