English to Mandarin Romantic Phrases and Love Words
This page will help you expand on your Mandarin language vocabulary when it comes to saying romantic words and phrases. Each translation listed below is shown from English to Mandarin in case this is the way that you prefer to learn.
By scrolling down, you'll be able to learn romantic words and phrases like I like you, I love you from the bottom of my heart, You stole my heart, and more. Scroll down for the full list of romantic translations.
English to Mandarin Romantic Words and Phrases:
Here is our list of romantic words and phrases from English to Mandarin. You can also view these words with translations from Mandarin to English.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
Cute ➔ Ke ai
I like you ➔ Wo xi huān ni
I long to see you ➔ Wo xiang jiàn ni
I love you ➔ Wo ài ni
I love you from the bottom of my heart ➔ Wo shì zhēn de ài ni
Pretty ➔ Měi
You stole my heart ➔ Ni tōu zou le wode xīn
*Romantic words and phrases last updated: November 9, 2024.
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Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Mandarin.
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