English to Mandarin Common Phrases and Words
This page contains a number of common words and phrases for the Mandarin language. In the first section, you will find the English to Mandarin translations of Please, Thank you, and You're welcome.
In the lower section, you will find other useful phrases translated from English to Mandarin including Do you speak English?, Excuse me, How are you?, and I'm sorry. Scroll down for our full list of translations.
English to Mandarin Common Words and Phrases
Here is our list of common words and phrases from English to Mandarin. You can also view this list with translations from Mandarin to English.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
English to Mandarin Please, Thank You, and You're Welcome
Please ➔ Qing
Thanks / Thank you ➔ Xiè xie
You're welcome. ➔ Bù yòng xiè.
Other Useful Phrases from English to Mandarin
Do you speak English? ➔ Ni huì shuō yīng yu ma?
Excuse me! ➔ Qing wèn!
How are you? ➔ Ni hao ma?
I'm sorry ➔ Duì bù qi
*Common words and phrases last updated: November 7, 2024.
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