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German Portal
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English to German Common Phrases and Key Words

This page contains a wide selection of common German phrases and key words which are essential to those learning to speak German. On this page you'll find a list of English to German translated words like Yes, No, Please, and Thank you, plus translated phrases like What is your name?, How are you?, and Can you speak slower? I don't speak German.

There's plenty more, but I'm not going to list them all up here! Simply scroll down to see the full list and the accompanying translations or use our quick links to skip straight to your preferred topic. I've attempted to put them into categories for organisational purposes.

English to German Common Words and Phrases:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words and phrases from German to English.

'Yes and No' from English to German

Yes ➔ Ja

No ➔ Nein

English to German for 'Please and Thank You'

Please ➔ Bitte

Thanks / Thank you ➔ Danke

Thank you all ➔ Danke euch allen

Thank you very much ➔ Danke schön

Thank you very much ➔ Danke sehr

Thank you very much ➔ Danke vielmals

'What is Your Name?' from English to German

What's your name? ➔ Wie Heisst du?

My name is... ➔ Mein Name ist...

I am called... ➔ Ich heiße...

'How Are You?' from English to German

How are you? ➔ Wie geht es dir?

How are you? ➔ Wie geht's?

I feel bad ➔ Mir geht es schlecht

I feel good ➔ Mir geht es gut

Statements for When Your German Isn't Good

Can you speak slower? ➔ Kannst du bitte langsamer sprechen?

I don't speak German ➔ Ich kann kein Deutsch

My german isn't good ➔ Mein deutsch ist nicht gut

English to German for Answering Where You're From

I am American (add 'in' for female, leave out for male) ➔ Ich bin Amerikaner(in)

I'm from Canada ➔ Ich komme aus Kanada

I'm from New York ➔ Ich bin aus New York

I'm from the USA ➔ Ich komme aus den USA

I live in the UK ➔ Ich lebe/wohne in England

I'm from the UK ➔ Ich komme aus England

I'm from the Netherlands ➔ Ich komme aus den Niederlanden

English to German for 'When is Your Birthday?'

When is your birthday? ➔ Wann haben Sie Geburtstag?

When is your birthday ➔ Wann hast du Geburtstag? (Informal)

My birthday is... ➔ Mein Geburtstag ist...

My birthday is in June. ➔ Mein Geburtstag ist im Juni.

Other Useful English to German Phrases

How old are you? ➔ Wie alt bist du?

What is this? ➔ Was ist das?

Help me ➔ Hilf mir

*English to German common words and phrases list updated: February 6, 2018.

Next Up

German Numbers: Learn how to say German numbers.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak German myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your German language learning journey!

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