English to Burmese Common Words and Phrases
If you've been trying to learn some of the basics of the Burmese language, then hopefully this page will help. This page covers some of the more common words and phrases, all translated from English to Burmese.
Below you will find in order, sections that translate yes and no, please and thank you, asking and answering how are you?, and question words.
Common Words and Phrases from English to Burmese:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words and phrases from Burmese to English.
English to Burmese Words for Yes and No
Yes ➔ Hou' ke shin
Yep ➔ Hou
No ➔ Ma hote bu
No ➔ Ma hote
Please and Thank You from English to Burmese
Thank you. ➔ Chiizu tin par day.
You're welcome. ➔ Ya par day.
English to Burmese for Asking How Are You?
How are you? ➔ Nay kaung lar?
Fine, thanks. ➔ Nay kaungg par day.
English to Burmese Question Words
Who ➔ Bal thu
What ➔ Bar
When ➔ Bal tot
Where ➔ Bal hmar
Why ➔ Bar kyount
How ➔ Bal lo
This list of English to Burmese common words and phrases was first posted on March 15, 2025.
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Burmese Numbers: Learn how to say numbers in Burmese.
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