English to Burmese Color Words
It can be a lot easier to describe things in Burmese if you have a strong Burmese color vocabulary. To help get you started in this regard, we've compiled a list of eight color words and translated them between English and Burmese.
While this list is currently rather small, we do make every effort to grow the lists as time goes on, so hopefully if you check back again in the future, there will be even more Burmese colors for you to learn. In the mean time, have a look below and see which colors you can learn today!
Color Words from English to Burmese:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of colors from Burmese to English.
English to Burmese Color Words
Black ➔ A nat yaung
Blue ➔ A pyar yaung
Green ➔ A sein yaung
Indigo ➔ Mae nal yaung
Orange ➔ Lain maw yaung
Purple ➔ Ka yan yaung
Red ➔ A nee yaung
Yellow ➔ A war yaung
*English to Burmese color words first posted: February 26, 2025.
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Random Burmese Words: Learn how to say random words in Burmese.
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Burmese, French, German, Greek, Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, Romanian, Spanish, and Urdu.
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