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English to Burmese Words for Days and Seasons

Days of the week and seasons come up in conversation an awful lot, especially when you are trying to make plans. That's why it can be useful to add such words to your Burmese vocabulary, if you want to better speak and understand the language.

That said, if you are looking to learn the English to Burmese translations for the days of the week or seasons of the year, then you've come to the right page. You'll find all that and more by simply scrolling below.

Days and Seasons from English to Burmese:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of days and seasons from Burmese to English.

General English to Burmese Calendar Words

Yesterday ➔ Ma nay ka

Today ➔ De nay

Tomorrow ➔ Ma nat phyan

Days of the Week from English to Burmese

Sunday ➔ Ta nin ga nway

Monday ➔ Ta nin lar nay

Tuesday ➔ In gar nay

Wednesday ➔ Boat da hoo nay

Thursday ➔ Kyar tha pa day nay

Friday ➔ Thaut kyar nay

Saturday ➔ Sa nay nay

English to Burmese Seasons

Spring ➔ Nway oo

Summer ➔ Nway yar thi

Fall ➔ Saung oo

Winter ➔ Saung yar thi

Monsoon season ➔ Moat thone

*English to Burmese days and seasons first posted: February 27, 2025.

Next Up

Burmese Food and Drink Words: Learn how to say food and drink words in Burmese.

Perhaps you want to learn days of the week and months of the year in these other languages?

Burmese, French, Greek, Indonesian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Burmese myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Burmese language learning journey!

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