English to Russian Days and Months
This page will help you to learn the pronunciation in Russian for the days of the week and the months of the year. Each translation is provided from English to Russian.
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English to Russian Days and Months:
Here is our list of days and months from English to Russian. You can also view this list with translations from Russian to English.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
English to Russian Days of the Week
Monday ➔ Puh nee DYEL neek
Tuesday ➔ FTAWR neek
Wednesday ➔ Sree DAA
Thursday ➔ Cheet VYEARK
Friday ➔ Pee YAAT nee tsuh
Saturday ➔ Soo BOH tuh
Sunday ➔ Vuhs kree SYEHN yeh
*The Russian week starts on Monday, not Sunday.
English to Russian Months of the Year
January ➔ Yan VAR
February ➔ Fyv RAL
March ➔ Mart
April ➔ Ahp RYEL
May ➔ Ah-y
June ➔ Ee YUN
July ➔ Ee YULE
August ➔ AVH goost
September ➔ Syn TYABR
October ➔ Ak TYABR
November ➔ Na YABR
December ➔ Dy KABR
*Russian days and months last updated: October 25, 2024.
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Animal Names: Learn how to say animal names in Russian.
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