English to Russian Words and Phrases
On this page you will find a series of random words and phrases, all translated from English to Russian, and presented in alphabetical order.
By scrolling down you will find two lists of translations. First up you'll find the list of random word translations, then you'll find the list of random phrase translations.
English to Russian Words and Phrases:
Here is our list of random words and phrases from English to Russian. You can also view this list with translations from Russian to English.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
English to Russian: Random Words
Attack ➔ Napadat
Bad ➔ Plokhoy
Beach ➔ Plyazh
Bedroom ➔ Spal'nya
Bigger ➔ Bol'she
Bookcase ➔ Knizhnyy shkaf
Bus ➔ Avtobus
Car ➔ Mashina
Christmas ➔ Rozhdestvo
Cute ➔ Seempateechna
Good ➔ Khoroshiy
House ➔ Dom
Kitchen ➔ Kukhnya
Left ➔ Sleeva
New ➔ Novee
Old ➔ Staree
Pen ➔ Rushka
Pencil ➔ Karandash
Plane ➔ Samolet
Soviet ➔ Sovetskiy
Taxi ➔ Taksi
Train ➔ Poist
English to Russian: Random Phrases
Good looking ➔ Kraceevoy
Happy New Year ➔ S'novym godom
Have you seen my vodka? ➔ Tee videl moyu vodku?
It's very cold here. ➔ Zdes ochen kholodno.
Merry Christmas ➔ Sorozhdest Vom
That's really far away! ➔ Eto deystvitel'no daleko!
Today is a good day to die. ➔ Segodnya khoroshiy den' chtoby umeret'.
Today it is snowing. ➔ Segodnya eedet sneg.
You are very beautiful. ➔ Vy ochen' krasivy.
Very pleasant ➔ Ochen preeyatno
Where can I buy tickets to get out of this frozen hell? ➔ Gde ya mogu kupit' bileti shtoby vibratsa iz etogo zamerzhshovo ada?
Wow, vodka is cheap here! ➔ Vau, vodka zdes' deshevaya!
*Russian random words and phrases last updated: October 27, 2024.
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Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Russian.
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