English to Norwegian Random Words and Phrases
This page will help you learn random words and phrases with our English to Norwegian learning dictionary. Translated words include bad, delicious, and flute and phrases include April showers bring May flowers and This time I'm alone.
By scrolling down, you will find the translations for all of the above words and phrases, plus several others interesting words as well. Who knows what you'll learn today?
Random Words from English to Norwegian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words from Norwegian to English.
English to Norwegian Random Words
Bad ➔ Dårlig
Book ➔ Bok
Delicious ➔ Deilig
Earth ➔ Jorden
Flute ➔ Fløyte
Good ➔ Bra
Good ➔ Godt
Guitar ➔ Gitar
Library ➔ Biblioteket
Noisy ➔ Bråkete
Pencil ➔ Blyant
Skirt ➔ Skjørt
Soccer ➔ Fotball
Star ➔ Stjerner
Sun ➔ Solen
English to Norwegian Random Phrases
April showers bring May flowers. ➔ April regn gir mai blomster.
I like garlic. ➔ Jeg liker hvitløk.
This time I'm alone. ➔ Denne gangen er jeg alene.
*English to Norwegian random words and phrases last updated: February 5, 2025.
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Norwegian Insults and Swear Words: Learn how to say insulting words and swears in Norwegian.
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