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Norwegian Portal
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Norwegian Portal
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English to Norwegian Numbers 1 to 30

If you are looking to expand your Norwegian vocabulary when it comes to numbers, then this is the page for you. Below you will find a spread of four sections - first, a section for 1 to 10 in Bokmål, next, a section for 10 to 20 in Bokmål, third, a section for 20 to 30 in Bokmål, last, a section for various Norwegian numbers in Nynorsk.

Further information: Bokmål is the more commonly used written form of Norwegian, based on the written Danish language. Nynorsk is based on a mix of Norwegian dialects and was developed in the 19th century. Around 85% of writing in Norway uses Bokmål, though both are taught in schools and both are official written forms of Norwegian.

Numbers from English to Norwegian:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of numbers from Norwegian to English.

English to Norwegian Numbers 1-10 (in Bokmål)

1 ➔ One ➔ En

2 ➔ Two ➔ To

3 ➔ Three ➔ Tre

4 ➔ Four ➔ Fire

5 ➔ Five ➔ Fem

6 ➔ Six ➔ Seks

7 ➔ Seven ➔ Sju / Syv

8 ➔ Eight ➔ Åtte

9 ➔ Nine ➔ Ni

10 ➔ Ten ➔ Ti

English to Norwegian Numbers 10-20 (in Bokmål)

10 ➔ Ten ➔ Ti

11 ➔ Eleven ➔ Elleve

12 ➔ Twelve ➔ Tolv

13 ➔ Thirteen ➔ Tretten

14 ➔ Fourteen ➔ Fjorten

15 ➔ Fifteen ➔ Femten

16 ➔ Sixteen ➔ Seksten

17 ➔ Seventeen ➔ Sytten

18 ➔ Eighteen ➔ Atten

19 ➔ Nineteen ➔ Nitten

20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Tjue

English to Norwegian Numbers 20-30 (in Bokmål)

20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Tjue

21 ➔ Twenty one ➔ Tjueen

22 ➔ Twenty two ➔ Tjueto

23 ➔ Twenty three ➔ Tjuetre

24 ➔ Twenty four ➔ Tjuefire

25 ➔ Twenty five ➔ Tjuefem

26 ➔ Twenty six ➔ Tjueseks

27 ➔ Twenty seven ➔ Tjuesju

28 ➔ Twenty eight ➔ Tjueåtte

29 ➔ Twenty nine ➔ Tjueni

30 ➔ Thirty ➔ Tretti

Various English to Norwegian Numbers in Nynorsk

3 ➔ Three ➔ Tri

7 ➔ Seven ➔ Sju

27 ➔ Twenty seven ➔ Tjuensyv

*English to Norwegian numbers last updated: February 4, 2025.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Norwegian myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Norwegian language learning journey!

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