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English to Afrikaans Numbers 1-100, Plus Ordinals

Numbers and counting are super important in any language. Afterall, it involves counting objects, time, currency, and so much more. So if it's time to learn your numbers in Afrikaans, then this page should certainly help!

Below you'll find the translations for all numbers from 1 to 100 (all listed from English to Afrikaans), followed by some select higher numbers as well ranging from 101 to one million. Finally you will find the translated ordinal numbers from 1 to 10.

To learn the numbers in order, followed by the ordinal numbers at the bottom of the page, simply scroll down and read as normal. If you'd prefer to jump to a certain section, you can also use the quick links below.

Numbers from English to Afrikaans:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of numbers from Afrikaans to English.

English to Afrikaans for Zero

0 ➔ Zero ➔ Nul

English to Afrikaans Numbers 1 to 10

1 ➔ One ➔ Een

2 ➔ Two ➔ Twee

3 ➔ Three ➔ Drie

4 ➔ Four ➔ Vier

5 ➔ Five ➔ Vyf

6 ➔ Six ➔ Ses

7 ➔ Seven ➔ Sewe

8 ➔ Eight ➔ Agt

9 ➔ Nine ➔ Nege

10 ➔ Ten ➔ Tien

English to Afrikaans Numbers 10 to 20

10 ➔ Ten ➔ Tien

11 ➔ Eleven ➔ Elf

12 ➔ Twelve ➔ Twaalf

13 ➔ Thirteen ➔ Dertien

14 ➔ Fourteen ➔ Veertien

15 ➔ Fifteen ➔ Vyftien

16 ➔ Sixteen ➔ Sestien

17 ➔ Seventeen ➔ Sewentien

18 ➔ Eighteen ➔ Agtien

19 ➔ Nineteen ➔ Negentien

20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Twintig

English to Afrikaans Numbers 20 to 30

20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Twintig

21 ➔ Twenty one ➔ Een-en-twintig

22 ➔ Twenty two ➔ Twee-en-twintig

23 ➔ Twenty three ➔ Drie-en-twintig

24 ➔ Twenty four ➔ Vier-en-twintig

25 ➔ Twenty five ➔ Vyf-en-twintig

26 ➔ Twenty six ➔ Ses-en-twintig

27 ➔ Twenty seven ➔ Sewe-en-twintig

28 ➔ Twenty eight ➔ Agt-en-twintig

29 ➔ Twenty nine ➔ Nege-en-twintig

30 ➔ Thirty ➔ Dertig

English to Afrikaans Numbers 30 to 40

30 ➔ Thirty ➔ Dertig

31 ➔ Thirty one ➔ Een-en-dertig

32 ➔ Thirty two ➔ Twee-en-dertig

33 ➔ Thirty three ➔ Drie-en-dertig

34 ➔ Thirty four ➔ Vier-en-dertig

35 ➔ Thirty five ➔ Vyf-en-dertig

36 ➔ Thirty six ➔ Ses-en-dertig

37 ➔ Thirty seven ➔ Sewe-en-dertig

38 ➔ Thirty eight ➔ Agt-en-dertig

39 ➔ Thirty nine ➔ Nege-en-dertig

40 ➔ Forty ➔ Veertig

English to Afrikaans Numbers 40 to 50

40 ➔ Forty ➔ Veertig

41 ➔ Forty one ➔ Een-en-veertig

42 ➔ Forty two ➔ Twee-en-veertig

43 ➔ Forty three ➔ Drie-en-veertig

44 ➔ Forty four ➔ Vier-en-veertig

45 ➔ Forty five ➔ Vyf-en-veertig

46 ➔ Forty six ➔ Ses-en-veertig

47 ➔ Forty seven ➔ Sewe-en-veertig

48 ➔ Forty eight ➔ Agt-en-veertig

49 ➔ Forty nine ➔ Nege-en-veertig

50 ➔ Fifty ➔ Vyftig

English to Afrikaans Numbers 50 to 60

50 ➔ Fifty ➔ Vyftig

51 ➔ Fifty one ➔ Een-en-vyftig

52 ➔ Fifty two ➔ Twee-en-vyftig

53 ➔ Fifty three ➔ Drie-en-vyftig

54 ➔ Fifty four ➔ Vier-en-vyftig

55 ➔ Fifty five ➔ Vyf-en-vyftig

56 ➔ Fifty six ➔ Ses-en-vyftig

57 ➔ Fifty seven ➔ Sewe-en-vyftig

58 ➔ Fifty eight ➔ Agt-en-vyftig

59 ➔ Fifty nine ➔ Nege-en-vyftig

60 ➔ Sixty ➔ Sestig

English to Afrikaans Numbers 60 to 70

60 ➔ Sixty ➔ Sestig

61 ➔ Sixty one ➔ Een-en-sestig

62 ➔ Sixty two ➔ Twee-en-sestig

63 ➔ Sixty three ➔ Drie-en-sestig

64 ➔ Sixty four ➔ Vier-en-sestig

65 ➔ Sixty five ➔ Vyf-en-sestig

66 ➔ Sixty six ➔ Ses-en-sestig

67 ➔ Sixty seven ➔ Sewe-en-sestig

68 ➔ Sixty eight ➔ Agt-en-sestig

69 ➔ Sixty nine ➔ Nege-en-sestig

70 ➔ Seventy ➔ Sewentig

English to Afrikaans Numbers 70 to 80

70 ➔ Seventy ➔ Sewentig

71 ➔ Seventy one ➔ Een-en-sewentig

72 ➔ Seventy two ➔ Twee-en-sewentig

73 ➔ Seventy three ➔ Drie-en-sewentig

74 ➔ Seventy four ➔ Vier-en-sewentig

75 ➔ Seventy five ➔ Vyf-en-sewentig

76 ➔ Seventy six ➔ Ses-en-sewentig

77 ➔ Seventy seven ➔ Sewe-en-sewentig

78 ➔ Seventy eight ➔ Agt-en-sewentig

79 ➔ Seventy nine ➔ Nege-en-sewentig

80 ➔ Eighty ➔ Tagtig

English to Afrikaans Numbers 80 to 90

80 ➔ Eighty ➔ Tagtig

81 ➔ Eighty one ➔ Een-en-tagtig

82 ➔ Eighty two ➔ Twee-en-tagtig

83 ➔ Eighty three ➔ Drie-en-tagtig

84 ➔ Eighty four ➔ Vier-en-tagtig

85 ➔ Eighty five ➔ Vyf-en-tagtig

86 ➔ Eighty six ➔ Ses-en-tagtig

87 ➔ Eighty seven ➔ Sewe-en-tagtig

88 ➔ Eighty eight ➔ Agt-en-tagtig

89 ➔ Eighty nine ➔ Nege-en-tagtig

90 ➔ Ninety ➔ Negentig

English to Afrikaans Numbers 90 to 100

90 ➔ Ninety ➔ Negentig

91 ➔ Ninety one ➔ Een-en-negentig

92 ➔ Ninety two ➔ Twee-en-negentig

93 ➔ Ninety three ➔ Drie-en-negentig

94 ➔ Ninety four ➔ Vier-en-negentig

95 ➔ Ninety five ➔ Vyf-en-negentig

96 ➔ Ninety six ➔ Ses-en-negentig

97 ➔ Ninety seven ➔ Sewe-en-negentig

98 ➔ Ninety eight ➔ Agt-en-negentig

99 ➔ Ninety nine ➔ Nege-en-negentig

100 ➔ One hundred ➔ Honderd

Select Higher English to Afrikaans Numbers (Up to One Million)

101 ➔ One hundred one ➔ Honderd-en-een

1,000 ➔ One thousand ➔ Duisend

10,000 ➔ Ten thousand ➔ Tienduisend

100,000 ➔ One hundred thousand ➔ Honderd duisend

1,000,000 ➔ One million ➔ Een miljoen

English to Afrikaans Ordinal Numbers 1-10 (First to Tenth)

1st ➔ First ➔ Eerste

2nd ➔ Second ➔ Tweede

3rd ➔ Third ➔ Derde

4th ➔ Fourth ➔ Vierde

5th ➔ Fifth ➔ Vyfde

6th ➔ Sixth ➔ Sesde

7th ➔ Seventh ➔ Sewende

8th ➔ Eighth ➔ Agste

9th ➔ Nineth ➔ Negende

10th ➔ Tenth ➔ Tiende

This list of English to Afrikaans numbers was last updated on March 9, 2025.

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Random Afrikaans Words and Phrases: Learn how to say random words and phrases in Afrikaans.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Afrikaans myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Afrikaans language learning journey!

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