English to Hawaiian Numbers 0-20
If you want to learn the numbers 0 to 20 in Hawaiian, then this is the page for you! Below you will find every English to Hawaiian number translation in the range of zero to twenty.
On this page you will find the translations have been split into groups of 10s and can be read in the order of Numeral ➔ English ➔ Hawaiian. Scroll down for our full list of numbers.
Numbers from English to Hawaiian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these numbers from Hawaiian to English.
English to Hawaiian Number 0
0 ➔ Zero ➔ 'Ole
English to Hawaiian Numbers 1 to 10
1 ➔ One ➔ 'Ekahi
2 ➔ Two ➔ 'Elua
3 ➔ Three ➔ 'Ekolu
4 ➔ Four ➔ 'Ehā
5 ➔ Five ➔ 'Elima
6 ➔ Six ➔ 'Eono
7 ➔ Seven ➔ 'Ehiku
8 ➔ Eight ➔ 'Ewalu
9 ➔ Nine ➔ 'Eiwa
10 ➔ Ten ➔ 'Umi
English to Hawaiian Numbers 10 to 20
10 ➔ Ten ➔ 'Umi
11 ➔ Eleven ➔ 'Umikūmākahi
12 ➔ Twelve ➔ 'Umikūmālua
13 ➔ Thirteen ➔ 'Umikūmākolu
14 ➔ Fourteen ➔ 'Umikūmāhā
15 ➔ Fifteen ➔ 'Umikūmālima
16 ➔ Sixteen ➔ 'Umikūmāono
17 ➔ Seventeen ➔ 'Umikūmāhiku
18 ➔ Eightteen ➔ 'Umikūmāwalu
19 ➔ Nineteen ➔ 'Umikūmāiwa
20 ➔ Twenty ➔ Iwakālua
*English to Hawaiian number words last updated: January 23, 2025.
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