Hawaiian Numbers 1-10
If you want to learn the numbers one through ten in Hawaiian, then you've come to the right place! Below you will find English translations for Hawaiian numbers.
With a little help, everyone can learn to say numbers in Hawaiian. Scroll down for our full list of Hawaiian number words.
Numbers in Hawaiian:
Here is our list of number words in Hawaiian. You can also view these words with translations from English to Hawaiian.
(Words in bold added during the last update.)
'Ekahi ➔ One
'Elua ➔ Two
'Ekolu ➔ Three
'Ehā ➔ Four
'Elima ➔ Five
'Eono ➔ Six
'Ehiku ➔ Seven
'Ewalu ➔ Eight
'Eiwa ➔ Nine
'Umi ➔ Ten
*Number words last updated: Sept 29, 2024.
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Animal Names: Learn how to say animal names in Hawaiian.
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