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German Numbers 1-100

Looking to translate some numbers between German and English? This page should certainly help! It includes translations for all German numbers from 1 to 100 plus has links to additional number groups as well in case you want to continue your learning.

Below you'll find a number of categories with translations from German to English, with all translations in the list ordered as German ➔ English ➔ Numeral. Either scroll down for the full list, or use these quick links to take you straight to the German numbers list of your choice.

Or visit our other number pages:
German Numbers: 100-200 (One Hundred to Two Hundred)

You can also view this list of numbers from English to German.

Zero in German

Is zero a number? It feels somehow in the void...

Null ➔ Zero ➔ 0

German Numbers 1-10 (One to Ten)

1-10 in German features the ever important numbers Eins, Zwei, Drei (One, Two, Three).

Eins ➔ One ➔ 1

Zwei ➔ Two ➔ 2

Drei ➔ Three ➔ 3

Vier ➔ Four ➔ 4

Fünf ➔ Five ➔ 5

Sechs ➔ Six ➔ 6

Sieben ➔ Seven ➔ 7

Acht ➔ Eight ➔ 8

Neun ➔ Nine ➔ 9

Zehn ➔ Ten ➔ 10

German Numbers 10-20 (Ten to Twenty)

After the first ten numbers, you'll be counting to twenty (zwanzig) in German.

Zehn ➔ Ten ➔ 10

Elf ➔ Eleven ➔ 11

Zwölf ➔ Twelve ➔ 12

Dreizehn ➔ Thirteen ➔ 13

Vierzehn ➔ Fourteen ➔ 14

Fünfzehn ➔ Fifteen ➔ 15

Sechzehn ➔ Sixteen ➔ 16

Siebzehn ➔ Seventeen ➔ 17

Achtzehn ➔ Eighteen ➔ 18

Neunzehn ➔ Nineteen ➔ 19

Zwanzig ➔ Twenty ➔ 20

German Numbers 20-30 (Twenties)

Then comes the German twenties. Note that twenty is zwanzig, so the 20s all end with zwanzig.

Zwanzig ➔ Twenty ➔ 20

Einundzwanzig ➔ Twenty one ➔ 21

Zweiundzwanzig ➔ Twenty two ➔ 22

Dreiundzwanzig ➔ Twenty three ➔ 23

Vierundzwanzig ➔ Twenty four ➔ 24

Fünfundzwanzig ➔ Twenty five ➔ 25

Sechsundzwanzig ➔ Twenty six ➔ 26

Siebenundzwanzig ➔ Twenty seven ➔ 27

Achtundzwanzig ➔ Twenty eight ➔ 28

Neunundzwanzig ➔ Twenty nine ➔ 29

Dreißig ➔ Thirty ➔ 30

German Numbers 30-40 (Thirties)

Then it's time for the German thirties. As 30 is dreißig, all numbers in the 30s end with dreißig.

Dreißig ➔ Thirty ➔ 30

Einunddreißig ➔ Thirty one ➔ 31

Zweiunddreißig ➔ Thirty two ➔ 32

Dreiunddreißig ➔ Thirty three ➔ 33

Vierunddreißig ➔ Thirty four ➔ 34

Fünfunddreißig ➔ Thirty five ➔ 35

Sechsunddreißig ➔ Thirty six ➔ 36

Siebenunddreißig ➔ Thirty seven ➔ 37

Achtunddreißig ➔ Thirty eight ➔ 38

Neununddreißig ➔ Thirty nine ➔ 39

Vierzig ➔ Forty ➔ 40

German Numbers 40-50 (Forties)

The German forties follow suit, all ending with vierzig.

Vierzig ➔ Forty ➔ 40

Einundvierzig ➔ Forty one ➔ 41

Zweiundvierzig ➔ Forty two ➔ 42

Dreiundvierzig ➔ Forty three ➔ 43

Vierundvierzig ➔ Forty four ➔ 44

Fünfundvierzig ➔ Forty five ➔ 45

Sechsundvierzig ➔ Forty six ➔ 46

Siebenundvierzig ➔ Forty seven ➔ 47

Achtundvierzig ➔ Forty eight ➔ 48

Neunundvierzig ➔ Forty nine ➔ 49

Fünfzig ➔ Fifty ➔ 50

German Numbers 50-60 (Fifties)

Yep, you guessed it! The German 50s all end with fünfzig.

Fünfzig ➔ Fifty ➔ 50

Einundfünfzig ➔ Fifty one ➔ 51

Zweiundfünfzig ➔ Fifty two ➔ 52

Dreiundfünfzig ➔ Fifty three ➔ 53

Vierundfünfzig ➔ Fifty four ➔ 54

Fünfundfünfzig ➔ Fifty five ➔ 55

Sechsundfünfzig ➔ Fifty six ➔ 56

Siebenundfünfzig ➔ Fifty seven ➔ 57

Achtundfünfzig ➔ Fifty eight ➔ 58

Neunundfünfzig ➔ Fifty nine ➔ 59

Sechzig ➔ Sixty ➔ 60

German Numbers 60-70 (Sixties)

Are you seeing the pattern now? The German 60s all end with sixty (sechzig).

Sechzig ➔ Sixty ➔ 60

Einundsechzig ➔ Sixty one ➔ 61

Zweiundsechzig ➔ Sixty two ➔ 62

Dreiundsechzig ➔ Sixty three ➔ 63

Vierundsechzig ➔ Sixty four ➔ 64

Fünfundsechzig ➔ Sixty five ➔ 65

Sechsundsechzig ➔ Sixty six ➔ 66

Siebenundsechzig ➔ Sixty seven ➔ 67

Achtundsechzig ➔ Sixty eight ➔ 68

Neunundsechzig ➔ Sixty nine ➔ 69

Siebzig ➔ Seventy ➔ 70

German Numbers 70-80 (Seventies)

Since seventy in German is siebzig, all numbers in the 70s end with siebzig.

Siebzig ➔ Seventy ➔ 70

Einundsiebzig ➔ Seventy one ➔ 71

Zweiundsiebzig ➔ Seventy two ➔ 72

Dreiundsiebzig ➔ Seventy three ➔ 73

Vierundsiebzig ➔ Seventy four ➔ 74

Fünfundsiebzig ➔ Seventy five ➔ 75

Sechsundsiebzig ➔ Seventy six ➔ 76

Siebenundsiebzig ➔ Seventy seven ➔ 77

Achtundsiebzig ➔ Seventy eight ➔ 78

Neunundsiebzig ➔ Seventy nine ➔ 79

Achtzig ➔ Eighty ➔ 80

German Numbers 80-90 (Eighties)

Since eighty in German is achtzig, all numbers in the 80s end with achtzig.

Achtzig ➔ Eighty ➔ 80

Einundachtzig ➔ Eighty one ➔ 81

Zweiundachtzig ➔ Eighty two ➔ 82

Dreiundachtzig ➔ Eighty three ➔ 83

Vierundachtzig ➔ Eighty four ➔ 84

Fünfundachtzig ➔ Eighty five ➔ 85

Sechsundachtzig ➔ Eighty six ➔ 86

Siebenundachtzig ➔ Eighty seven ➔ 87

Achtundachtzig ➔ Eighty eight ➔ 88

Neunundachtzig ➔ Eighty nine ➔ 89

Neunzig ➔ Ninety ➔ 90

German Numbers 90-100 (Nineties)

And finally, with 90 being neunzig in German, all the German 90s end in neunzig.

Neunzig ➔ Ninety ➔ 90

Einundneunzig ➔ Ninety one ➔ 91

Zweiundneunzig ➔ Ninety two ➔ 92

Dreiundneunzig ➔ Ninety three ➔ 93

Vierundneunzig ➔ Ninety four ➔ 94

Fünfundneunzig ➔ Ninety five ➔ 95

Sechsundneunzig ➔ Ninety six ➔ 96

Siebenundneunzig ➔ Ninety seven ➔ 97

Achtundneunzig ➔ Ninety eight ➔ 98

Neunundneunzig ➔ Ninety nine ➔ 99

Einhundert / Hundert ➔ One hundred ➔ 100

*List of German numbers 1-100 completed: February 15, 2018.

Next Up

German Numbers 100-200: Learn how to say German number words from 100 to 200.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak German myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your German language learning journey!

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