German Color Names
The goal of this page is to make a list of all colors in German. So, if you want to learn how to say German colors, you've probably come to the right place because we are currently up to 100 German color translations and growing. This page will teach you a variety of color translations, with example sentences and even a video toward the bottom of the page to help you with pronunciation.
First up is a list of general color words (like colorful, rainbow, dark, and light), followed by the standard German colors list A-Z, then there's a bunch of expressive colors (like baby blue, blood red, cream colored, etc.), followed by a list of example sentences featuring color words. Finally, you will find some examples of German color conjugation and then the German colors video.
To see all the lists for yourself, simply continue scrolling downward or use the quick links below to skip ahead to the category of your choosing. The number of translations in each category is listed beside the link.
Color Names in German:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of color words from English to German.
Quick links:
General Color Words in German: 5 translations.
Standard German Colors A-Z: 42 translations.
List of Expressive German Colors: 32 translations.
Colors of the Rainbow in German: 8 translations.
Example Color Sentences in German: 7 translations.
Conjugated German Colors: 6 conjugations.
General Color Words in German
To get you started, here are some basic german color words...
Farbe ➔ The German word for color.
Bunt ➔ Colorful
Regenbogen ➔ Rainbow
Dunkel ➔ Dark
Hell ➔ Light
Standard German Colors A-Z
Now onto the master list of colors. These are the more standard colors that you are likely to run into during conversation.
Aquamarin ➔ Aquamarine
Azurblau ➔ Azure
Beige ➔ Beige
Blau ➔ Blue
Braun ➔ Brown
Burgund ➔ Burgundy
Dunkelrot ➔ Maroon
Dunkeltürkis ➔ Teal
Efelbein ➔ Ivory
Flieder ➔ Lilac
Gelb ➔ Yellow
Gold ➔ Gold
Grau ➔ Grey
Grün ➔ Green
Hellgrün ➔ Chartreuse
Indigo ➔ Indigo
Indigoblau ➔ Indigo
Kaki ➔ Khaki
Koralle ➔ Coral
Lavendel ➔ Lavender
Lila ➔ Purple
Karmesinrot ➔ Crimson
Kastanienrot ➔ Maroon
Knickente ➔ Teal
Mahagoni ➔ Mahogany
Malve ➔ Mauve
Orange ➔ Orange
Petrol ➔ Teal
Pfirsichfarben ➔ Peach
Platinfarben ➔ Platinum
Purpur ➔ Purple
Purpurrot ➔ Crimson
Rosa ➔ Pink
Rot ➔ Red
Rötlichbraun ➔ Maroon
Scharlachrot ➔ Scarlet
Schwarz ➔ Black
Silber ➔ Silver
Türkis ➔ Turquoise
Violett ➔ Violet
Weiss / Weiß ➔ White
Zinnoberrot ➔ Vermillion
List of Expressive German Colors
If you want to be more expressive in your German colors, you might want to use descriptors like these colors.
Aschgrau ➔ Ash grey
Babyblau ➔ Baby blue
Blutrot ➔ Blood red
Cremefarben ➔ Cream colored
Dunkelblau ➔ Dark blue
Dunkelbraun ➔ Dark brown
Dunkelgrün ➔ Dark green
Dunkelorange ➔ Burnt orange
Dunkelrot ➔ Dark red
Eierschalenweiß ➔ Eggshell white
Grasgrün ➔ Grass green
Graublau ➔ Greyish blue
Hellblau ➔ Light blue
Hellbraun ➔ Light brown
Hellgelb ➔ Light yellow
Hellgrün ➔ Light green
Hellrot ➔ Light red
Himmelblau ➔ Sky blue
Königsblau ➔ Royal blue
Marineblau ➔ Navy blue
Mausgrau ➔ Mouse grey
Milchweiß / Milchweiss ➔ Milky white
Minzgrün ➔ Mint Green
Mitternachtsblau ➔ Midnight blue
Pechschwarz ➔ Pitch black
Schiefergrau ➔ Slate grey
Schneeweiss / Schneeweiß ➔ Snow white
Schokoladebraun ➔ Chocolate brown
Schwarz wie Ebenholz ➔ Jet black
Schwarzbraun ➔ Dark brown (Black brown)
Weißgrau ➔ Off white
Zitronengelb ➔ Lemon yellow
Colors of the Rainbow in German
In English, we remember the order of colors with ROYGBIV (Roy. G. Biv). In German, it's ROGGBIV (Rog. G. Biv).
Der Regenbogen ➔ The Rainbow
Rot ➔ Red
Orange ➔ Orange
Gelb ➔ Yellow
Grün ➔ Green
Blau ➔ Blue
Indigo ➔ Indigo
Violett ➔ Violet
Example Color Sentences in German
And here are a few color-themed sentences to help you use the color translations in actual conversations.
Der Grass ist grün. ➔ The grass is green.
Der Himmel ist blau. ➔ The sky is blue.
Die Münze ist gold. ➔ The coin is gold.
Es ist rot. ➔ It is red.
Meine Katze ist braun. ➔ My cat is brown.
Milch ist weiß. / Milch ist weiss. ➔ Milk is white.
Rot wie die Liebe. ➔ Red as love.
Conjugated German Colors
German color words tend to change based on the noun they are used with, therefore many require conjugation based on if they are used with masculine, feminine, neuter, or plural nouns. Here are some examples:
Blau (Blue): M- Blauer, F- Blaue, N- Blaues, P- Blaue
Gelb (Yellow): M- Gelber, F- Gelbe, N- Gelbes, P- Gelbe
Grün (Green): M- Grüner, F- Grüne, N- Grünes, P- Grüne
Rot (Red): M- Roter, F- Rote, N- Rotes, P- Rote
Schwarz (Black): M- Schwarzer, F- Schwarze, N- Schwarzes, P- Schwarze
Weiss (White): M- Weisser, F- Weisse, N- Weisses, P- Weisse
*German colors list last updated: March 4, 2025.
Learn German Colors with Videos
German Colours Song by Lern mit mir - ABC 123
This video features the German colors song. A good number of colors are included, including Blue (Blau), Green (Grün), Pink (Rosa), Red (Rot), Orange (Orange), Yellow (Gelb), White (Weiss), and Black (Schwarz).
Next Up
Random German Words and Sentences: Learn how to say random German words and phrases.
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