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German Portal
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German Portal
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German Greetings and Goodbyes

If you're looking to learn some German greetings and goodbyes, then you'll hopefully find this page useful.

Below, you will find our main list of greetings and goodbyes in German, all translated to English. There are also the translations for time sensitive sayings like, 'Good morning', 'Good day', 'Good evening', and 'Good night'.

German Greetings and Goodbyes:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of greetings and goodbyes from English to German.

Hellos in German

Hallo ➔ Hello

Willkommen ➔ Welcome

Timely Greetings in German

Guten Morgen ➔ Good morning

Guten Tag alle miteinander ➔ Good morning everyone

Guten Tag ➔ Good day

Guten Abend ➔ Good evening

Gute Nacht ➔ Good night

German Goodbyes

Auf Wiedersehen ➔ Good bye

Tschüss / Tschüß / Tschau ➔ Bye (Friendly)

Bis bald ➔ See you soon

Bis dann ➔ See you later

Wir sehen uns dann ➔ See you then

Bis zum nächsten Mal ➔ See you next time

Other Greeting-Related Words in German

Gruß ➔ Greeting

Gruße ➔ Greetings

*List of German hellos and goodbyes last updated: March 21, 2018.

Next Up

German Key Words: Learn how to say key German words and phrases.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak German myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your German language learning journey!

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