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Maori Portal
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Maori Portal
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Maori Greetings and Farewells

If you are looking for translations of Maori greetings and goodbyes, then you've come to the right page. First you will find a number of ways to say hello (including hello to one, two, or three+ people) and then you will find some ways to say farewell like goodbye and see you later.

Scroll down for our full list of Maori to English greetings and if you like what you see, feel free to check out our other categories for more translations too.

Greetings and Goodbyes in Maori:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of greetings from English to Maori.

Ways to Say Hello in Maori

Kia ora ➔ Hello

Tēnā koe ➔ Hello (to one person)

Tēnā kōrua ➔ Hello (to two people)

Tēnā koutou ➔ Hello (to three or more people)

Mōrena ➔ Good morning

Pōmārie ➔ Good evening / Good night

Nau mai ➔ Welcome

Nau mai ki te kainga. ➔ Welcome home.

Ways to Say Goodbye in Maori

Kia ora ➔ Goodbye

Mauri ora ➔ Goodbye

Hei konei rā ➔ Goodbye (said to a person staying)

Kia pai to rā. ➔ Have a nice day.

Mā te wā. ➔ See you later.

Ka kite anō. ➔ See you again.

*Maori greetings last updated: February 4, 2025.

Next Up

Common Maori Words and Phrases: Learn how to say common words and phrases in Maori.

Perhaps you want to learn greetings and goodbyes in these other languages?

Afrikaans, Arabic, Dutch, Filipino, Finnish, French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Mandarin, Maori, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Urdu, and Vietnamese.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Maori myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Maori language learning journey!

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