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German Swear Words and Insults

If you are looking for German swear words, curse words and insults, then this is a great place to start! We've got many, many German insults for you to learn, some of them being common, and some of them being not-so-common German insults.

If you've been asking yourself 'How do you say Kiss my ass in German', or maybe 'How do you say Fuck you in German', then ask no more, this page will teach you! We've also got some other German favorites for translations like Slut, Cunt, Bitch, and Bastard.

Basically, if you've been looking for German insults, swear words, cuss words, or just a list of bad words in German, we'll probably have what you are looking for. Now without further ado, enjoy the German insults and swear words list below.

German Insults and Swear Words:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of insults and swear words from English to German.

First Up

Beleidigungen ➔ The German word for Insults

German Swear Words

Arschgesicht ➔ Fuckface (lit. assface)

Arschloch ➔ Asshole

Fotze ➔ Cunt

Miststück ➔ Bitch / Bastard

Schlampe ➔ Slut

Scheißkopf ➔ Shithead

Sheisse ➔ Shit

German Insults with Swear Words

Fick dich ➔ Fuck you

Fick dich, Schlampe ➔ Fuck you, bitch

Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren ➔ Your mother goes whoring in the city

Du bist 'ne Schlampe! ➔ You are a slut!

Du Hurensohn! ➔ You son of a Bitch

Küss meinen Arsch ➔ Kiss my ass

Leck mich am Arsch! ➔ Lick my ass!

Sohn einer Hündin! ➔ Son of a bitch!

Verpiss dich! ➔ Piss off / Fuck off

German Insults that Aren't Swears

Deine Oma masturbiert im stehen! ➔ Your grandma masturbates standing up!

Du bist (so) besonders... nur wie jeder sonst ➔ You are special... just like everyone else

Du blöder Idiot! ➔ You stupid idiot!

Du Dummkopf ➔ You stupid head

Dumm ➔ Stupid

Geh zum Teufel! ➔ Go to hell! (lit. go to the devil)

Leck mich (doch) ➔ Lick me

Sprich nicht mit mir, du verrückter Mann! ➔ Do not talk to me crazy man!

Non-Insulting German Swear Words

Ich will ficken ➔ I want to fuck

Verdammt! ➔ Dammit!

Was zur Hölle? ➔ What the hell?

*List of German swear words and insults last updated: March 21, 2018.

Next Up

German Greetings: Learn how to say German greetings and goodbyes.

Perhaps you want to learn insulting phrases and swear words in these other languages?

French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, and Spanish.

The Fine Print

I don't speak German myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your German language learning journey!

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