Hawaiian Color Words and Official Island Colors
Colors come up so often when describing various objects. Talking about a pair of purple socks? What about a green tree in your backyard or a yellow rose in your garden? Good luck explaining those without some colors in your vocabulary. So, if you are looking to learn some Hawaiian color words to help you better describe things, then you've come to the right place!
Below you will find a list of 17 Hawaiian to English translations for popular color words like gray, pink, orange, black, white, etc. After the list of colors you will find a section that lists all the colors of the Hawaiian islands.
Scroll down to see the full list of color translations or use the quick links below to jump to the section you want to learn first.
Colors in Hawaiian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these color words from English to Hawaiian.
Quick links:
List of Hawaiian Colors A-Z
Colors of the Hawaiian Islands
List of Hawaiian Colors A-Z
Here is a list of seventeen colors from Hawaiian to English.
Āhinahina ➔ Grey
'Ākala ➔ Pink
'Ālani ➔ Orange
'Ele'ele ➔ Black
Hinahina ➔ Grey
Ke'oke'o ➔ White
Lenalena ➔ Yellow (orangish)
Māku'e ➔ Brown
Melemele ➔ Yellow
'Ōma'oma'o ➔ Green
Palaunu ➔ Brown
Polū ➔ Blue
Poni ➔ Purple
'Ula'ula ➔ Red
Uliuli ➔ Blue (darker)
Wai kula ➔ Gold
Waikālā ➔ Silver
Colors of the Hawaiian Islands
Did you know that the islands in Hawaii have official colors? Here's a listing of the main islands and their colors in the order of Island Name ➔ Hawaiian Color ➔ English Color.
Hawai'i Island (The Big Island) ➔ 'Ula'ula ➔ Red
Kaho'olawe ➔ Āhinahina / Hinahina ➔ Grey
Kauai ➔ Poni ➔ Purple
Lanai ➔ 'Ālani ➔ Orange
Maui ➔ 'Ākala ➔ Pink
Moloka'i ➔ 'Ōma'oma'o ➔ Green
Ni'ihau ➔ Ke'oke'o ➔ White
O'ahu ➔ Melemele ➔ Yellow
This list of Hawaiian color words was last updated on March 7, 2025.
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Hawaiian Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say greetings and goodbyes in Hawaiian.
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