English to Hawaiian Color Words and Island Colors
Color words can add a whole new level of description when talking about different items. Are you describing a red apple or a green one? Is the sky a beautiful blue or an overcast grey? If you're trying to be more descriptive in what you're saying, then a color word will certainly come in handy.
That said, if you want to learn some new Hawaiian color words, then this is the page for you! Below you will find a list of 17 different color words, all translated from English to Hawaiian. How many colors do you know?
Below the main list of colors you will also find a list of official colors for eight Hawaiian islands. You can scroll through both lists as normal, but if you prefer, feel free to use the quick links below to skip directly to the list of your choosing.
Colors from English to Hawaiian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these color words from Hawaiian to English.
Quick links:
English to Hawaiian Color Words
English to Hawaiian Island Colors
English to Hawaiian Color Words
To start, have a look through our list of English to Hawaiian color words.
Black ➔ 'Ele'ele
Blue ➔ Polū
Blue ➔ Uliuli (darker)
Brown ➔ Māku'e
Brown ➔ Palaunu
Gold ➔ Wai kula
Grey ➔ Āhinahina
Grey ➔ Hinahina
Green ➔ 'Ōma'oma'o
Orange ➔ 'Alani
Pink ➔ 'Ākala
Purple ➔ Poni
Red ➔ Ula'ula
Silver ➔ Waikālā
White ➔ Ke'oke'o
Yellow ➔ Lenalena (orangish)
Yellow ➔ Melemele
English to Hawaiian Island Colors
Many Hawaiian Islands are associated with certain colors. Here is a list of eight Hawaiian Islands, listed with their offical color. The order is by Island Name ➔ English Color Translation ➔ Hawaiian Color Translation.
Hawai'i Island (The Big Island) ➔ Red ➔ 'Ula'ula
Kaho'olawe ➔ Grey ➔ Āhinahina / Hinahina
Kauai ➔ Purple ➔ Poni
Lanai ➔ Orange ➔ 'Ālani
Maui ➔ Pink ➔ 'Ākala
Moloka'i ➔ Green ➔ 'Ōma'oma'o
Ni'ihau ➔ White ➔ Ke'oke'o
O'ahu ➔ Yellow ➔ Melemele
*This list of English to Hawaiian color words was last updated on March 8, 2025.
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Hawaiian Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say greetings and goodbyes in Hawaiian.
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