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English to French Colors

When describing objects in French, you might want to use some color words. Unfortunately, that can be mighty hard if you don't know the proper translation for the color you're looking to speak of. This page is here to solve this problem.

See below for the English to French translations of 81 color words and phrases. By scrolling down, you'll first find a list of color related words. Then after that, you'll find two lists of color words - one with your more standard colors, then the next with more descriptive words.

After that, you'll find a series of translated color-related sentences to help you see how the colors may be used in conversation.

Color Words from English to French:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of colors from French to English.

English to French Color-Related Words

Here are some words related to colors, but aren't actual colors to get you started.

Color ➔ Couleur

The colors ➔ Les couleurs

Multi-colored ➔ Multicolore

Light ➔ Clair

Bright ➔ Vif

Dark ➔ Foncé

Dull ➔ Terne

Fluorescent ➔ Fluo

Basic Colors from English to French

This list contains 36 of your more standard colors translated from English to French.

Amethyst ➔ Améthyste

Beige ➔ Beige

Black ➔ Noir

Blue ➔ Bleu

Brown ➔ Brun

Brown ➔ Marron

Chartreuse ➔ Chartreuse (green / yellow mix)

Coral ➔ Corail

Cream ➔ Crème

Crimson ➔ Cramoisi

Cyan ➔ Vert d'eau

Eggplant ➔ Aubergine (dark purple)

Gold ➔ Doré

Gold ➔ Or

Gray / Grey ➔ Gris

Green ➔ Vert

Ivory ➔ Ivoire

Lavender ➔ Lavande

Lilac ➔ Lilas

Maroon ➔ Bordeaux

Mauve ➔ Mauve

Orange ➔ Orange

Peach ➔ Pêche

Periwinkle ➔ Pervenche

Pink ➔ Rose

Purple ➔ Pourpre

Purple ➔ Violet

Red ➔ Rouge

Rust ➔ Rouille

Sepia ➔ Sépia

Silver ➔ Argenté

Tan ➔ Tan

Teal ➔ Bleu sarcelle

Teal ➔ Sarcelle

Turquoise ➔ Turquoise

White ➔ Blanc

Yellow ➔ Jaune

Descriptive Colors from English to French

For times the basic colors just won't do, here's 19 more descriptive colors.

Brick red ➔ Rouge brique

Dark blue ➔ Bleu foncé

Dark gray / Dark grey ➔ Gris foncé

Dark green ➔ Vert foncé

Dark red ➔ Rouge foncé

Emerald green ➔ Vert émeraude

Forest green ➔ Vert forêt

Golden yellow ➔ Jaune d'or

Lemon yellow ➔ Jaune citron

Light blue ➔ Bleu clair

Light brown / Tan ➔ Brun clair

Light gray / Light grey ➔ Gris clair

Light green ➔ Vert clair

Light purple ➔ Violet clair

Light red ➔ Rouge clair

Lime green ➔ Vert citron

Navy blue ➔ Bleu marine

Off white ➔ Blanc cassé

Royal blue ➔ Bleu roi

Sage green ➔ Vert sauge

Sea green ➔ Vert marin

Sky blue ➔ Bleu ciel

English to French Sentences with Colors

Wondering how to use these colors in sentences? Here's some sentences and short phrases to help you out.

A lime ➔ Un citron vert (lit. a green lemon)

Black hair ➔ Les cheveux noirs

Brown eyes ➔ Des yeux marrons

Brown hair ➔ Les cheveux bruns

I have black hair. ➔ J'ai les cheveux noirs.

I have brown eyes. ➔ J'ai les yeux bruns.

I like red. ➔ J'aime le rouge.

My favorite color is green. ➔ Ma couleur préférée est le vert.

The grass is green. ➔ L'herbe est verte.

The red carpet ➔ Le tapis rouge

The sky is blue. ➔ Le ciel est bleu.

The snow is white. ➔ La neige est blanche.

The sun is yellow. ➔ Le soleil est jaune.

White as a sheet ➔ Blanc comme un linge

This list of English to French colors was last updated on March 14, 2025.

Next Up

French Country Names: Learn how to say country names and nationalities in French.

Perhaps you want to learn color words in these other languages?

Burmese, French, German, Greek, Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, Romanian, Spanish, and Urdu.

The Fine Print

I don't speak French myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your French language learning journey!

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