English to French Days of the Week, Months and Seasons
If you've been wondering about how to say the days of the week, months of the year, or seasons in French, then you've come to the right place because that's what this page is all about - words you are likely to find on a calendar.
This page will teach you through English to French translations, the word for each day, month, and season, plus some additional words and phrases to do with the subject.
Days, Months, and Seasons from English to French:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of days, weeks, and seasons from French to English.
English to French Days of the Week
Days of the week ➔ Les jours de la semaine
Day ➔ Jour
Week ➔ Semaine
Sunday ➔ Dimanche
Monday ➔ Lundi
Tuesday ➔ Mardi
Wednesday ➔ Mercredi
Thursday ➔ Jeudi
Friday ➔ Vendredi
Saturday ➔ Samedi
English to French Months of the Year
Months of the year ➔ Les mois de l'année
Month ➔ Mois
Year ➔ Année
January ➔ Janvier
February ➔ Février
March ➔ Mars
April ➔ Avril
May ➔ Mai
June ➔ Juin
July ➔ Juillet
August ➔ Août
September ➔ Septembre
October ➔ Octobre
November ➔ Novembre
December ➔ Décembre
English to French Seasons
Seasons ➔ Les saisons
Spring ➔ Le printemps
Summer ➔ L'été
Fall / Autumn ➔ L'automne
Winter ➔ L'hiver
Related Words and Phrases
Yesterday ➔ Hier
Today ➔ Aujourd'hui
Tomorrow ➔ Demain
I hate Monday mornings. ➔ Je déteste les matins de lundi.
I hate Mondays. ➔ Je déteste les lundis.
In winter ➔ En hiver
It is my birthday Monday, July 18, 2010 ➔ C'est mon anniversaire, lundi 18 Juillet 2010 (18 is dix-huit, 2010 is deux mille dix)
It's (season) ➔ C'est (season)
What's the season? ➔ Quelle saison est-ce?
*English to French days, months, and seasons lists last updated: April 7, 2018.
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French Animal Words: Learn how to say animal words in French.
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