English to Spanish Days, Months and Seasons
When learning Spanish, you may find yourself needing to know the names for the days of the weeks, months of the year, or seasons. This page can help you learn these words with its English to Spanish translations of each.
There's also a list of general day and month-themed words towards the bottom of the page as well, to help give you a more rounded vocabulary on the subject. After reading this page, you'll know the Spanish words for the days of the week, months of the year, and seasons.
Days, Months and Seasons from English to Spanish:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of days, months, and seasons from Spanish to English.
Quick links:
English to Spanish List of Weekdays
Months of the Year from English to Spanish
English to Spanish Seasons
Other Related English to Spanish Translations
English to Spanish List of Weekdays
Please note that in Spanish days of the week are not capitalized like they are in English, except for when they are used at the beginning of a sentence.
Day ➔ Dia
Days of the week ➔ Días de la semana
Week ➔ Semana
Weekend ➔ Fin de semana
Monday ➔ Lunes
Tuesday ➔ Martes
Wednesday ➔ Miércoles
Thursday ➔ Jueves
Friday ➔ Viernes
Saturday ➔ Sábado
Sunday ➔ Domingo
Months of the Year from English to Spanish
Please note that as is with the Spanish days of the week, the Spanish months of the year are also not capitalized unless they are being used at the beginning of a sentence. This part of Spanish grammar is unlike English grammar, because in proper English, the months should always be capitalized.
Month ➔ Mes
Months ➔ Meses
The months of the year ➔ Los meses del año
Year ➔ Año
January ➔ Enero
February ➔ Febrero
March ➔ Marzo
April ➔ Abril
May ➔ Mayo
June ➔ Junio
July ➔ Julio
August ➔ Agosto
September ➔ Septiembre
October ➔ Octubre
November ➔ Noviembre
December ➔ Diciembre
English to Spanish Seasons
Seasons ➔ Estaciones
Spring ➔ Primavera
Summer ➔ Verano
Autumn ➔ Otoño
Winter ➔ Invierno
Other Related English to Spanish Translations
Do you know what month it is? ➔ ¿Sabes qué mes es?
During the spring months... ➔ Durante los meses de primavera...
First day of the month ➔ Primer día del mes
First day of the week ➔ Primer día de la semana
How was your weekend? ➔ ¿Cómo estuvo tu fin de semana?
Next month ➔ Próximo mes
Open during the summer months ➔ Abierto los meses de verano
Spring months ➔ Meses de primavera
Summer months ➔ Meses de verano
This week ➔ Esta semana
What month is it? ➔ ¿Qué mes es?
Winter months ➔ Meses de invierno
*English to Spanish days, months, and seasons list last updated: February 19, 2025.
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Spanish Food and Drink Words: Learn how to say food and drink words in Spanish.
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