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English to Spanish: Random Words and Phrases

If you want to learn some random words and phrases that you won't find in your typical Spanish class or textbook, then this is the page for you. Since it's all random - the phrases especially are translations you may not have seen before - you never know what you may find. After all, this page is kind of a catch all for any words or phrases that don't yet fit into another category.

Anyway, the page is split into two lists - up first is the list of random English to Spanish words, then below that is the random English to Spanish phrases. If there comes a time where there's many words of a single theme on this page, then it'll probably be given it's own page, so be sure to look out for that.

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view these random words from Spanish to English.

Random Words from English to Spanish:

Here's a bunch of random Spanish words, presented in alphabetical order by the English meaning.

A (Always to Ankle)

Always ➔ Siempre

Amazing ➔ Maravilloso

Angel ➔ Angel

Ankle ➔ Tobillo

B (Bad to Box)

Bad ➔ Malo

Ballet dancer ➔ Bailarín

Big ➔ Grande

Blood ➔ La sangre

Book ➔ Libro

Bored ➔ Aburrido

Box ➔ Caja

C (Chair to Cute)

Chair ➔ Silla

Children ➔ Niños

Cold ➔ Frío

Computer ➔ Computadora

Congratulations ➔ Felicidades

Cotton ➔ Algodon

Cup ➔ Taza

Cute ➔ Tierno

D (Day to Dotted)

Day ➔ Día

Demon ➔ Demonio

Desk ➔ Escritorio

Door ➔ Puerta

Dotted ➔ Punteado

E (Earrings to Eye)

Earrings ➔ Pendientes

Earth ➔ Tierra

English ➔ Ingles

Eye ➔ Ojo

F (Feelings to Flatulence)

Feelings ➔ Sentimientos

Finger ➔ Dedo

Fire ➔ Fuego

Flatulence ➔ La flatulencia

G (Generator to Good)

Generator ➔ Generador

Girls ➔ Niñas

Glass ➔ Vaso

Gold ➔ Oro

Good ➔ Bueno

H (Happy to Huh)

Happy ➔ Contento

Heaven/Sky ➔ Cielo

Hot ➔ Caliente

House ➔ La casa

Huh? ➔ Ah?

J (Jewelry)

Jewelry ➔ Joyas

L (Large to Lucky)

Large ➔ Grande

Learn ➔ Aprender

Lightning ➔ Rayo

Lips ➔ Labio

Listen ➔ Escuche

Little ➔ Pequeño

Living room ➔ Sala

lol / hahaha ➔ jajaja

Luck ➔ Suerte

Lucky ➔ Suertudo

M (Man to Moon)

Man ➔ Ese

Microwave ➔ Microondas

Mirror ➔ Espejo

Moon ➔ Luna

Mercury ➔ Mercurio

N (Never to Noisy)

Never ➔ Nunca

New ➔ Nuevo

Noisy ➔ Ruidoso

O (Ocean to Old)

Ocean ➔ Oceano

Old ➔ Viejo

P (Panic to Pumpkin)

Panic ➔ Pánico

Paradise ➔ Paraíso

Pencil ➔ Lapiz

Phone ➔ Telefono

Planet ➔ Planeta

Plastic ➔ Plástico

Printer ➔ Impresora

Pumpkin ➔ Calabaza

R (Rain)

Rain ➔ Lluvia

S (Saturn to Swimming)

Saturn ➔ Saturno

Shotgun ➔ La escopeta

Small ➔ Pequeña

Snow ➔ Nieve

Soccer ➔ Fútbol

Sofa ➔ El sofa

Soft ➔ Suave

Stars ➔ Estrellas

Stone ➔ Piedra

Stove ➔ Estufa

Sun ➔ Sol

Sundial ➔ Reloj de sol

Sunglasses ➔ Gafas de sol

Swimming ➔ Nadando

T (Table to T-shirt)

Table ➔ Mesa

Terrified ➔ Aterrorizado

The world ➔ El mundo

Tired ➔ Cansado

To decapitate ➔ Decapitar

To kill ➔ Matar

Tree ➔ Árbol

Truck ➔ Camión

T-shirt ➔ Camiseta

U (Umbrella to Universe)

Umbrella ➔ Sombrilla

Unity ➔ Unidad

Universe ➔ Universo

W (Washing machine to World)

Washing machine ➔ Lavadora

What? ➔ Que?

Wind ➔ Viento

Window ➔ Ventana

Wing ➔ Ala

Wizard ➔ Mago

World ➔ Mundo

Random Phrases (English to Spanish):

And now a bunch of random Spanish phrases, ordered by the English meaning.

A ('A sprained ankle' to 'Are you (nationality)')

A sprained ankle ➔ Un tobillo torcido

A white picket fence ➔ Una cerca blanca

An oxygen generator ➔ Un generador de oxígeno

Ankle bracelet ➔ Pulsera de tobillo

Are you tired? ➔ Estas cansado?

Are you (nationality)? ➔ Eres (nationality)?

C ('Can you get there by bus' to 'Crescent moon')

Can you get there by bus? ➔ ¿Se puede ir en autobús?

Crescent moon ➔ Luna creciente

D ('Dead end' to 'Doctor's office')

Dead end ➔ Callejón sin salida

Diamond necklace ➔ Collar de diamantes

Did you listen? ➔ Escuchaste?

Did you look? ➔ Viste?

Doctor's office ➔ Consultorio del médico

F ('First place' to 'Full moon')

First place ➔ Primer lugar

For the love of god ➔ Por amor de dios

Full moon ➔ Luna llena

H ('Happy birthday' to 'House arrest')

Happy birthday! ➔ Feliz cumpleaños!

High resolution photos ➔ Fotografías de alta resolución

House arrest ➔ Arresto domiciliario

I ('I am cold' to 'It's true')

I am cold. ➔ Tengo frio.

I am hot. ➔ Tengo calor.

I don't care. ➔ No me importa.

I don't have my book today. ➔ Hoy no tengo mi libro.

I feel sleepy. ➔ Tengo sueño.

I hate Monday mornings. ➔ Odio las mañanas del lunes.

I have a stomach ache. ➔ Me duele el estomago.

I have the world ➔ Yo tengo el mundo

I have to go. ➔ Tengo que irme.

I listened. ➔ Escuché.

I live in (place). ➔ Yo vivo en (place).

I looked. ➔ Yo ví.

I need you. ➔ Te necesito.

I want to talk to you. ➔ Quiero hablar contigo.

I'd like to see a science-fiction movie. ➔ Quiero ver una película ciencia ficción.

I'll send you to heaven. ➔ Te enviare al cielo.

I'm going to the shop. ➔ Voy a la tienda.

I'm going to (place). ➔ Iré a (place).

I'm tired. ➔ Estoy cansado.

I've been stung by a bee/wasp. ➔ Una abeja/una avispa me picó.

I've lost my passport. ➔ He perdido mi pasaporte.

In my house ➔ En mi casa

Is there a flight to New York this evening? ➔ ¿Hay vueltos a Nueva York esta tarde?

It is 6:03. ➔ Son las seis y tres.

It wasn't an accident. ➔ No fue un accidente.

It's a lovely day today. ➔ Hoy es un dia hermoso.

It's true ➔ Es cierto

L ('Long life' to 'Look into my eyes')

Long life ➔ Larga vida

Look into my eyes. ➔ Mirame a los ojos.

M ('My life is crazy')

My life is crazy. ➔ Mi vida es loca.

N ('Now, tell me' to 'Number one')

Now, tell me. ➔ Ahora dime.

Number one ➔ Numero uno

P ('Pearl necklace' to 'Postal service')

Pearl necklace ➔ Collar de perlas

Pinkie finger ➔ Dedo meñique

Postal service ➔ Servicio postal

S ('She went shopping with Jessica' to 'Sound equipment')

She went shopping with Jessica. ➔ Se fue de compras con Jessica.

Sound equipment ➔ El equipo de sonido

T ('The box is huge' to 'The room is empty')

The box is huge. ➔ La caja es grande.

The man had flatulence. ➔ El hombre tiene la flatulencia.

The only flower in the world ➔ La única flor en el mundo

The room is empty. ➔ La habitacion esta vacia.

W ('We need a translator' to 'Women and children')

We need a translator. ➔ Hace falta un traductor.

What's always in your mind? ➔ Que tienes en mente?

What's up dude? ➔ Que onda quey?

Where is my head? ➔ Donde es mi cabeza?

Why am I putting this? ➔ Porque estoy poniendo esto?

Women and children ➔ Las mujeres y los niños

Y ('You are dead')

You are dead. ➔ Estas muerto.

*Random English to Spanish words and phrases last updated: February 23, 2025.

Essential Spanish Learning Materials

English/Spanish Dictionaries
Spanish Phrase Books
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Intermediate Spanish
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Spanish for Careers
Spanish Learning Materials for Kids
Spanish Vocabulary Builders
Spanish Verbs
Spanish Grammar
Spanish Pronouns & Prepositions
Spanish Readers

For the full selection, please visit our: Spanish Language Learning Shop

Next Up

Romantic Spanish Words and Phrases: Learn how to say romantic words and phrases in Spanish.

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The Fine Print

I don't speak Spanish myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Spanish language learning journey!

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