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English to Maori Random Words and Phrases

This page will teach you to say a number of random words and phrases, all presented from English to Maori. The first section on this page lists random Maori words like beach, cat, man, and mountain, then the second section lists the random phrases like be brave, love you heaps, and tis life.

If you find this page helpful, consider checking back again in the future because we try to add new words and phrases as we are able. Until then, scroll down to learn all these words and phrases, plus several other interesting translations.

English to Maori Random Words and Phrases

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words from Maori to English.

Random Maori Words

Beach ➔ One

Book ➔ Pukapuka

Cat ➔ Ngeru

Cold ➔ Makariri

Man ➔ Tāne

Money ➔ Moni

Mountain ➔ Maunga

Sea ➔ Moana

Small ➔ Iti

Warm ➔ Mahana

Water ➔ Wai

Woman ➔ Wāhine

English to Maori Random Phrases

Be brave / bold ➔ Kia maia

Be strong, and stay well ➔ Kia kaha, noho ora mai

Love you heaps ➔ Taku aroha nui ki a koe

Tis Death ➔ Ka mate

Tis Life ➔ Ka ora

Well done; Thumbs up ➔ Ka pai

With best wishes ➔ Nga mihi nui

You're doing great ➔ Ka pai to mahi

You're the best ➔ Tino pai rawa atu koe

*English to Maori random words and phrases last updated: February 4, 2025.

Next Up

Maori Greetings and Goodbyes: Learn how to say hello and goodbye in Maori.

Perhaps you want to learn random words and phrases in these other languages?

Afrikaans, Burmese, Dutch, Filipino, French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Malay, Mandarin, Maori, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Urdu.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Maori myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Maori language learning journey!

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