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Ukrainian Portal
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Ukrainian Portal
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English to Ukrainian Random Words

Sometimes it can be fun to read through a list of random words just to see which translations you already know and which translations you still need to learn. Fortunately, this page currently features a list of 25 English to Ukrainian random words, so you can see for yourself how you'd do on a vocabulary test using these words.

If you are very new to learning Ukrainian, then this list will be great for building your overall vocabulary range, because it pulls from a number of subjects that might pop up in conversation at any time.

Random Words from English to Ukrainian:

Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of random words from Ukrainian to English.

Audio ➔ Аудіо ➔ Audio

Bed ➔ Ліжко ➔ Lizhko

Best ➔ Найкращий ➔ Naykrashchyy

Book ➔ Книга ➔ Knyha

Converter ➔ конвертер ➔ Konverter

Dictionary ➔ Словник ➔ Slovnyk

Document ➔ документ ➔ Dokument

Earrings ➔ Сережки ➔ Serezhky

Earth ➔ Земля ➔ Zemlya

Microphone ➔ мікрофон ➔ Mikrofon

Necklace ➔ Намисто ➔ Namysto

Online ➔ Онлайн ➔ Onlayn

Pen ➔ Ручкаn ➔ Ruchka

Pencil ➔ Олівець ➔ Olivets

Photo ➔ Фото ➔ Foto

Piano ➔ Фортепіано ➔ Fortepiano

Picture ➔ малюнок ➔ Malyunok

Space ➔ Космос ➔ Kosmos

Star ➔ Зірка ➔ Zirka

Sun ➔ Сонце ➔ Sontse

T-shirt ➔ Футболка ➔ Futbolka

Television ➔ Телебачення ➔ Telebachennya

Translate ➔ Перекласти ➔ Pereklasty

Voice ➔ Голос ➔ Holos

Website ➔ Веб-сайт ➔ Veb-sayt

*English to Ukrainian random words first posted: March 4, 2025.

Next Up

Common Ukrainian Words and Phrases: Learn to say several common words and phrases from English to Ukrainian.

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Afrikaans, Burmese, Dutch, Filipino, French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Malay, Mandarin, Maori, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Urdu.

The Fine Print

I don't speak Ukrainian myself, so there could be mistakes in the translations. Most of what is here is user-submitted, but I do try to check for accuracy and make corrections as I can. Thanks for your understanding. Best of luck on your Ukrainian language learning journey!

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