Common Ukrainian Words and Phrases (English to Ukrainian)
If you want to learn some basics of the Ukrainian language, this page should help.
Below you'll find a list of commonly used words and phrases for the Ukrainian language. Includes words like yes, no and maybe, plus phrases like please and thank you, what's your name, and more. To see the full list of translations, simply scroll down.
Note: Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words and phrases from Ukrainian to English.
Common Words (English to Ukrainian):
Yes ➔ Tak
No ➔ Ni
No ➔ Nye
Maybe ➔ Moze buty
Common Phrases (English to Ukrainian):
Please / You're Welcome ➔ Bud' laska
Thank you ➔ Diakuju
What's your name? ➔ Jak vas zvaty?
My name is (name) ➔ Mene zvut' (name)
Do you speak Ukrainian? ➔ Vy rozmovliajete ukrajinskoju
I don't know ➔ Ya ne znayu
*Basic Ukrainian words list last updated: March 20, 2018.
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