English to Norwegian Common Words and Phrases
This is the page to read through if you want to learn about common words and phrases in Norwegian. Below you will find a series of English to Norwegian translations that will teach you some of the most basic words and phrases in the language.
Scroll down to read our full list of simple translations including useful phrases like How are you? I'm fine, plus useful words like Yes and No. These and other translations are all listed below to help you learn some beginner's Norwegian.
Common Words from English to Norwegian:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of common words from Norwegian to English.
English to Norwegian for Yes and No
Yes ➔ Ja
No ➔ Nei
Please and Thank You in Norwegian
Please ➔ Vennligst
Thank you ➔ Takk
How Are You? from English to Norwegian
How are you? ➔ Hvordan har du det?
I'm fine, thanks. ➔ Jeg fint, takk.
Exchanging Names in Norwegian
What is your name? ➔ Hva heter du?
My name is (name). ➔ Mitt navn er (name).
Other Useful English to Norwegian Phrases
Do you speak English? ➔ Snakker du engelsk?
I don't understand. ➔ Jeg forstår ikke.
I love you. ➔ Jeg elsker deg.
Nice to meet you. ➔ Hyggelig å møte deg.
*English to Norwegian common words and phrases last updated: February 4, 2025.
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Norwegian Numbers: Learn how to say number words in Norwegian.
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