English to Norwegian Insults and Swear Words
Wondering how to say some insulting words and phrases in Norwegian? What about swear words? Well, if your answer is yes, then this page should help you learn a little about the subject.
While there currently isn't many translations for this category, we do have the translations for a couple of insulting words, plus a couple translations for insults including swear words. Scroll down to see the current translations and visit again in the future when hopefully we will have more insults to help you with your learning journey.
English to Norwegian Insults and Swear Words:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of insults from Norwegian to English.
English to Norwegian Insulting Words
King of the idiots ➔ Kronidiot (lit. crown idiot)
Ugly ➔ Stygg
Ugly face ➔ Stygt fjes
English to Norwegian Swear Words
Asshole ➔ Drittsekk
You are a bitch. ➔ Det heter din megge.
*English to Norwegian insults and swear words last updated: February 4, 2025.
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Common Norwegian Words and Phrases: Learn how to say common words and phrases in Norwegian.
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