English to Gaelic Insults and Swear Words
Some times you just need to know some insults in Gaelic. That's where this page comes in. Below are some insulting words and phrases in Gaelic, along with a section for swear words too.
While the current list is very small, hopefully in the future we'll be able to fill it out with more insulting phrases for you to learn in Gaelic. Until then, enjoy the translations below.
English to Gaelic Insults and Swear Words:
Words in bold added during the last update. You can also view this list of insults from Gaelic to English.
English to Gaelic Insulting Words
Idiot ➔ Amadan (for males)
Idiot ➔ Òinseach (for females)
Shut up. ➔ Dùn do chab.
English to Gaelic Swear Words
Kiss my ass. ➔ Pòg mo thòin.
*English to Gaelic insults and swear words last updated: November 26, 2024.
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